Working With Items → Using Work Item Forms → Using Item Actions
Use the Actions drop-down list available on most forms to perform item-specific tasks, such as adding attachments, opening a printable view, or linking work one item to another.
The actions available to you depend on your user privileges, whether you are working with a state or transition form, and settings made by your administrator or form designer.
Add information to the item that may not be appropriate for fields on the form or to add supplemental data.
Add an URL to an external Web page, other SBM pages, or to files stored on an accessible server. The last option may not be available to you, depending on the Web browser you use.
Add one or more file attachments. If your administrator has specified a size limit for attachments, you receive a message if the files you are attaching exceeds that limit.
Create links to other work items or auxiliary items. Items can be in the same application or table or in different applications and tables. You can search for items to link by ID number or keyword.
Subscribe to a notification for a specific item. You can add an item notification for notifications you are not already subscribed to. You can remove your subscription for this item in the Notifications section later.
Use to display the history of source code control operations associated with primary items.
Establish a relationship between items that can be controlled by a specific process determined by your administrator. Typically, this feature is configured so that a principal task is transitioned once its subtasks are completed. The item you create a subtask link from becomes the principal task.
Items you create this link from becomes the subtask in a principal/subtask relationship. Contact your administrator to see if your system is configured for subtasks.
Open a printable view of an item in a separate window. The printable view does not include icons, item links, folder check boxes, or navigation links.
Send an e-mail directly from the item. For details, refer to Sending E-mail Messages From Work Items.
Use this option to open the URL to the item in a pop-up window. Use CTRL+C to copy the URL.
See information describing the process an item follows, including a graphical view. Information about each transition, state, and decision is also shown.
For transition forms, see information about the transition and fields on the form. For state forms, see information about the current state, available transitions, and fields on the form.
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