Creating Backlog Views

You can create backlog views for the Home context or for each application or application group. You are the owner of each backlog view you create, but you can share the view with co-owners, collaborators, and viewers. For details on the responsibilities of users who share a backlog, refer to Sharing a View With Other Users.

To create a backlog view:

  1. Select Home or a pinned application or application group. This determines where the view you create will be available.
  2. Click the Manage Views icon (image) in the navigation pane.
  3. Select Backlogs header. Click the blue plus sign on the Backlogs menu header or the Create Backlogs button in the content pane.
  4. Provide a name and description for the view. Users you share the view with can search for it using the information you provide here.
  5. Select start and end dates for the backlog view. These dates are used to calculate data in progress reports, such as burn up and burn down charts. For guidance, refer to Setting Backlog Time Frames.
  6. Add feeds to the view:
    • Click New to create a new backlog feed and add it to the view. For details, refer to Creating Backlog Feeds.
    • Click Select to add an existing backlog feed to the view.
  7. Optionally, click the Sharing tab to select users, groups and resource teams to share the view with. For details, refer to Sharing Views.
  8. Save your changes.
  9. On the Views page, hover over the view, and then click the plus icon to add the view to your navigation menu.
  10. Select the view in the menu to run it.