Multi-View Reports

Multi-View reports allow you to view multiple existing reports, including built-in and application reports, in a single report. You can add single reports created against different primary and auxiliary tables to a single Multi-View report, enabling you to view data from a variety of applications and auxiliary tables.

Use the Multi-View report to a create a dashboard which displays information across projects and applications. For example, you can create a Multi-View report that contains a graphical Distribution report from one application, a Listing report from another application, and the "All Primary Items I Own" built-in report. SBM provides a variety of different layout designs for you to select for your Multi-View report. This feature is especially useful for displaying graphical and tabular reports.

Note: Both Multi-View and Drill Through reports display multiple reports on one page. The main differences are that Multi-View reports can display any report type in any order on the page while Drill Through reports are designed for Distribution reports which pass information between the different reports.

Content Options

The following options are available in the Content area for Multi-View reports.

Selecting a Layout Design for Your Multi-View Report

You can choose from several layout designs to display your Multi-View report. By default, reports included in a Multi-View report are displayed one on top of another in the order specified in the Select Layout box. For best results, use this layout design for Listing-type reports.

You can also choose to display reports side by side or in a variety of other layout designs. Graphical and tabular reports are best suited for these layout designs.

To select a layout design, click the Up and Down arrows next to the Select Layout box to view the provided designs. The layout design selected when the report is saved is used to display the Multi-View report.

Selecting Reports for Your Multi-View Report

You can add any report you have privileges to run to a Multi-View reports, except:

  • Deleted Item reports

  • Drill Through reports

  • Other Multi-View reports

  • Reports that contain query-at-runtime parameters

    Tip: If you experience poor performance when you run a Multi-View report, consider removing reports from the list.

To select reports for a Multi-View report:

  1. From the Reports drop-down list, select a report, and then click Add to add it to the Select Reports box. To search for a report in the list, type a keyword or part of a keyword contained in the report title, and then click the search icon.

  2. If you selected a built-in report that is not an "all tables" report, you must select primary table from the Type (if Built-in) list. Graphical and tabular reports in the list are preceded by an asterisk (*).

  3. To rearrange the order in which reports display, select a report and move it using the Up and Down arrows.

  4. To remove a report from the box, select it and click Remove.


Multi-View reports appear in a single frame in the content pane. The Multi-View report display depends on which reports and layout designs were selected on the report form and whether or not you are viewing folders. The Create Link In option is only available if a Listing report is included in the report and folders are displayed.

Links in single reports within Multi-View reports indicate that you can view an item within the report. Click the link to view an item in the content pane. After viewing, updating, or transitioning the item, click the Back to Results link to return to the original report.

Zoom Icons

Click the zoom-in icon (image) to expand a report to the full pane, or to enable edit mode for reports using the Editable Grid. Click the zoom-out icon (image) to return to the multi-report view.