Working with Items → Working with Primary and Auxiliary Items → Working with Primary Items → Working With Widgets → SLA Widget
SLAs are used to review and monitor how your organization responds to service requests in comparison to customer commitments. SLA rules and metrics are defined by an administrator.
The SLA widget, which can be included on state forms, contains the status of the current item for each SLA that applies to it. Initially, the most severe status is displayed. The complete status list can be seen by clicking the arrow on the widget.
If (Pending) is appended to the value, the item is in a paused state, in which time is not counted against the SLA.
For example, a clause could apply to the range of states from the New to Assigned states, inclusive. Another clause in the same SLA could apply to the range of states from the Assigned to Completed states, inclusive. This means that if an SLA with multiple clauses applies to an item, the widget could show multiple status values, some of which may not be current.
Using the previous example, the list would include VIOLATED if the item was not assigned to a technician within the allotted time. However, after it was assigned, if only 50% of the time for the technician to complete the item has elapsed, the list would also include MEDIUM.
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