Link to Principal Dialog Box

The Link to Principal dialog box enables you to establish a principal/subtask relationship among existing primary items by linking a principal item to a subtask item. The item that you create the link from becomes the subtask; the item that you link to becomes the principal task.

Field Description
ID/Keywords Type the ID number or keywrods for the principal item that you want to link to the subtask item. Click Link to Principal to perform the search.
Search in Table Select the table that contains the principal item that you want to link to the subtask item. The default table selection is the preferred application specified in your user profile, but all applications for which you have view privileges are listed.
Link Type Select one of the following options to add an item link to the principal task, subtask, or both. The item link will be added to the attachment section of the applicable item.
Note:   Triggers are available only for on-premise customers. They are set up by your administrator. You can specify a link type that triggers items, but triggers fire only if they are configured for your workflow.
  • None – No item link created. This is the default setting.

  • One Way, no triggers – Creates a one-way link from the subtask item to the principal item without Transition Triggers.

  • One Way, current item triggers linked item – Creates a one-way link from the subtask item to the principal item. When the subtask item transitions, it may also trigger the principal item to transition.

  • Two Way, no triggers – Creates a two-way link between the subtask item and the principal item without Transition Triggers.

  • Two Way, current item triggers linked item – Creates a two-way link between the subtask item and the principal item. When the subtask item transitions, it also triggers the principal item to transition.

  • Two Way, linked item triggers current item - Creates a two-way link between the subtask item and the principal item. When the principal item transitions, it also triggers the subtask item to transition.

  • Two Way, both items trigger each other - Creates a two-way link between the subtask item and the principal item. When either item transitions, it also triggers the linked item to transition.

Unrestricted If you chose to add an item link to the principal or subtask item, you can select this check box to make the item link visible to all users who can view the item it is attached to. Clear the check box to restrict the item link to users who have privileges to view the item and its item links. These privileges are set by your administrator. The Unrestricted check box is disabled if you do not have privileges to set attachments as unrestricted.
Note: If you are creating a two-way item link, the unrestricted/restricted status of the item link in the destination project is the same as the source item link if you have privileges to set this status in the receiving project. If you do not have privileges to set this status, the status of the item link in the destination project is determined by default settings specified by your administrator.
On success, automatically close this window Select this check box to close the dialog box when the relationship is established.
Link to Principal Click the Link to Principal button to search for a principal item to link to the subtask item. The search results appear on the bottom of the dialog box. Items that are subtasks of the item that you are linking from are not returned by the search.

From the list of items that appears, select the item or items to which you want to link, and then click Link to Principal again.

Note: If the search results are greater than 50 items, you must limit your query to return fewer items.

Related Topics

Linking a Principal Item to Subtasks

Unlinking a Principal Item From Its Subtasks