Copying Databases → Using the Copy Database Wizard → Running the Copy Database Wizard → Providing Connection Information for the Database
If you are using an existing data source, the Connection Information dialog box opens. For Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server, provide login ID and password for the database. Consider the following information when you connect to different types of databases:
When you connect to an Oracle database, Oracle always uses the database specified by the user name at the time of login, not what was originally specified in the data source.
For Microsoft SQL Server, the schema/owner for the account used to create an SBM database is used when creating tables. (If you are using the SQL Server system administrator account, the tables will have "dbo" ownership.) The schema/owner owns all SBM tables created by the wizard. To use a different schema/owner for your database, exit the Database Wizard and prepare the correct account in your DBMS, and then run the wizard again.
Click Next to continue.
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