About Windows Authentication

For SQL Server installations, you can select the Windows Authentication check box to use a Windows user account of your choice to connect to SQL Server (instead of a SQL Server user account). You must ensure that this account can log in to SQL Server and that is has "dbo" permissions over all the tables in the database. This means that you must set SQL Server to allow Windows Authentication or both Windows Authentication and SQL Authentication. For details, refer to your SQL Server DBMS documentation.

If you use Windows Domain (NTCR) to authenticate users, Windows authentication requires that your domain users have "dbo" privilege to the database. However, this presents a security risk to your system. Therefore, it is recommended that you clear the Windows Authentication check box in SBM Configurator and use SQL Authentication with Windows Domain (NTCR) instead.

If you select Windows Authentication in SBM Configurator, you do not need to enter database credentials in the User Name and Password columns. Instead, the SBM Application Pool Identity and the Tomcat Log On Identity are used to connect to the SBM databases.

After you click Apply in SBM Configurator, the default DSN (SBM) that is used to connect to the Application Engine database is automatically updated to use Windows authentication. If you decide to use a DSN other than the default, you must manually update that DSN to use Windows Authentication.

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