

The ReportInfo type contains a high-level description for a report. The ReportInfo type parameters are listed below.


Name Type Description
report ReportIdentifier Holds the identification information for a report.
reportURL string This is the URL for the report.
reportType ReportType An enumeration that indicates the type of report.
reportCategory ReportCategory A broader enumeration that indicates the category of report (built-in reports, application reports, reports you authored).
reportAccessLevel ReportAccessLevel An enumeration that indicates the report's access level (PRIVATE, GUEST, USER, or MANAGER).
solution SolutionIdentifier Holds the identification information for the solution that the report is based on.
table TableIdentifier Holds the identification information for the table that the report is based on.
project ProjectIdentifier Holds the identification information for the project that the report was created against.
createdBy UserIdentifier Holds the identification information for the user who authored the report.
createDate dateTime The date the report was created. See Supported Date/Time Formats for more information.
modifiedBy UserIdentifier Holds the identification information for the user that last modified the report.
modifiedDate dateTime The date the report was last modified. See Supported Date/Time Formats for more information.
execDate dateTime The date the report was last executed. See Supported Date/Time Formats for more information.
isQueryAtRuntime boolean This flag is used to indicate whether or not the report is a query at runtime report. Use the isQueryAtRuntime parameter to determine if the report can be executed using the RunReport call (query at runtime reports cannot be executed by RunReport). If isQueryAtRuntime is true, the report cannot be executed using the RunReport call.


The ReportInfo type holds data used to describe a report. You can use GetReports to retrieve the report data shown here.


The following XML snippet shows ReportInfo in the <ae:report> return element of the GetReports response.

   <ae:report xsi:type="ae:ReportIdentifier">
      <ae:displayName>My Test Report</ae:displayName>
   <ae:project xsi:type="ae:ProjectIdentifier">
      <ae:displayName>Animation Pro</ae:displayName>
      <ae:fullyQualifiedName>Base Project||Base IDT Project||
      Software Development||Animation Pro<ae:fullyQualifiedName>
   <ae:createdBy xsi:type="ae:UserIdentifier">
   <ae:modifiedBy xsi:type="ae:UserIdentifier">