Post Options Tab of the Transition Property Editor

Use this tab to modify the post options of a Post, External Post, Publish, Subtask, or Copy transition. You cannot set post options for an Update, Delete, or Regular transition.

Post Settings
Element Description
Post Application Select the application that contains the table you want to post to. You may need to create a reference to an application if it is in a different process app. For details, refer to Defining a Reference.
Post table Select the table to which you want items to be posted. For Post transitions, you can select a primary table or an auxiliary table. For Copy and Subtask transitions, you must select a primary table.
Project (Display only) By default, users with appropriate privileges are presented with a list of projects to submit the post item or subtask into. Limit the list of projects in SBM Application Administrator or by granting privileges to specific projects to which users can post items.
Set new item in this item's field This drop-down list contains Single Relational and Multi-Relational fields in the table for the current item that are related to the specified post table. Select a field that will contain the Item ID and Title of the posted item in the original item. For example, if you create a Post transition that lets users post from the Issues table to the Incidents table, you can create a Multi-Relational field to the Incidents table and select that field from the Set new item in this item's field drop-down list. When users post items to the Incidents table, the Incidents field in the original item contains information about the posted item. If you select a Multi-Relational field for this option, all items posted from the original item are selected as values for the field. If you select a Single Relational field, the last posted item is selected as the value.
Set this item in new item's field This drop-down list contains Single Relational and Multi-Relational fields for the current primary table that are available in the receiving table. For example, if the transition lets users post items from the Issues table into the Incidents table, an Issues Single-Relational or Multi-Relational field contained in the Incidents table is listed here. Select a field that will contain the Item ID and Title of the original item in the posted item. For best results, select a Single Relational field for this option, because the only valid value is the originating item that created the posted item.
Tip: A relational field icon appears next to fields populated using the Post, Copy, Publish, or Subtask transition type. Users with privileges to view items in the relational field table can click the icon to open the item in a pop-up window.
Use submit transition Each non-default item in this drop-down list consists of a workflow name and a submit transition.

From this list, you can select a specific submit transition that can be used for Post and Subtask transitions. This lets you set different properties for this transition. For example, you could require users to populate certain fields when they submit directly into a project, but require them to populate a different set of fields when they use a Subtask transition.

This field also lets you specify a single project into which posted items and subtask items can be submitted, when more than one project is available. For example, if an application contains a principal workflow and two subtask workflows, the submit transition from each of the subtask workflows appears in this list. Select the transition for the project into which this item should be submitted. (A project is created for each workflow when the process app is deployed.)

When finished, show... Select New item to display the new item created by the transition after the transition is complete. Select Original item to return users to the item from which they execute the transition after the transition is complete.
Item link type (Post, Subtask, Publish, and Copy transitions) Select one of the following:
  • <None>: Creates the transition without an item link type.
  • 1-Way, original to other, no trigger: Creates a link from the original item to the new item without triggering a transition on the linked item.
  • 1-Way, original to other, with trigger: Creates a link from the original item to the other item, and fires the trigger specified on the Actions tab on the original item.
  • 1-Way, other to original, no trigger: Creates a link from the new item to the original item without triggering a transition on the linked item.
  • 1-Way, other to original, with trigger: Creates a link from the new item to the original item, and fires the trigger specified on the Actions tab on the new item.
  • 2-Way, both trigger each other: Creates links in both the original and new items, and fires triggers on both items.
  • 2-Way, no triggers: Creates links in both the original and new items without triggering a transition on the linked item.
  • 2-Way, original triggers other: Creates links in both the original and the new item, and fires the trigger specified on the Actions tab on the new item.
  • 2-Way, other triggers original: Creates links in both the original and new items, and fires the trigger specified on the Actions tab on the original item.
Database name (External Post transitions only) Select an external database into which the posted item will be added.
Field Mapping
Element Description
This item's field Lists fields in the primary table.
Mapped to For each field in the primary table, select the name of the field to which the field for this item should be mapped. (For an External Post transition, the field is in the specified external database.) For Post and Subtask transitions, you can select the field from a drop-down list.
Map Matching Fields Click this icon to map all fields with the same name and type. You can then change the mapping for individual fields as needed. (Sub-Relational fields are not automatically mapped.)
Clear Mappings Click this icon to clear all mappings.

For field mapping details, refer to Mapping Fields for Post, Publish, Copy, or Subtask Transitions.

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Using the Property Editors