Applications → Managing Transitions → Transition Settings → Options Tab of the Transition Property Editor
Use this tab to modify various options for the transition.
Element | Description |
Quick transition (do not show a form) |
Bypasses the transition form. This option lets users quickly transition items out of a particular state if fields do not need to be modified. You can also use this option to bypass the transition form for the original item for Post or Subtask transitions. The form opens if there are required fields specified for the transition. If you select this option, you cannot select the Required attachment, Show "New Note" field, and Require "New Note" entry options. |
Default submit transition |
Specifies a transition from a Submit state for items that a user submits manually. By default, the first transition from a Submit state has this option selected, and other transitions have this option cleared. For details, refer to Creating Additional Submit Transitions. |
Hide transition button on state form |
Hides the transition button on state forms. This option is typically used to hide transition buttons for transitions that are invoked indirectly, such as Post or Subtask transitions. This option can be set for any transition, except those that start from the Submit state. |
Show "New Note" field | Inserts a New Note field during the selected transition. The field appears after the Standard Field section and lets users add a note to the item, automatically recording their name and a date/time stamp when the note was created. |
Require "New Note" entry | Specifies the New Note field as requiring an entry. Users must enter a note to transition an item successfully. |
Element | Description |
Required attachment | If attachments are not required for the transition, select <None> . Otherwise, select the type of attachment to be required. |
Element | Description |
Required, Not required, Inherited |
Important: If transition authentication is used, it
is recommended that the
SBM Server use HTTPS
Select Required if users should supply their login IDs for the transition. The transition fails if a user does not provide the correct login ID and password or attempts to provide the login ID and password of another user. On successful authentication, the login ID and password are recorded as an electronic signature. If you select Required, you can also select an authentication option from the DateTime field to update list to record the time the transition was performed. The transition is stored in the transitions section of the Change History section for each item. |
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