System Fields for System Auxiliary Tables

Seven system auxiliary tables are provided with SBM, and system fields listed in the following tables are provided with each of these tables.

Companies Table

Field Name Notes
Company Name A Text field that serves as the system title field for this table and the default for the value display format for this table.
Customer ID A Text field that can store additional identifying information for a company record.
Primary Contact and Secondary Contact Single Relational fields that let users associate primary and secondary contacts for companies. These fields provide special system behavior.

Contacts Table

Field Name Notes
Company A Single Relational field based on the Companies table that lets users select a company to associate with a contact. This field provides special system behavior.
E-mail A Text field that lets users provide an e-mail address for contacts. When you create Contact records from user accounts, the E-mail field in the Contacts table is populated with the e-mail address provided with the user account.
First Name A Text field that by default is used as part of the value display format for this table. When you create Contact records from user accounts, the First Name field in the Contacts table is populated with the first word provided in the Name box for the user account.
Last Name A Text field that serves as the system title field for this table and by default, is used as part of the value display format. When you create Contact records from user accounts, the Last Name field in the Contacts table is populated with the last word provided for the user account.
Middle Name A Text field that by default is used as part of the value display format for this table. When you create Contact records from user accounts, the Middle Name field in the Contacts table is populated with the words between the first and last words provided for the user account.
Phone Number A Text field that lets users provide phone numbers for contacts. When you create Contact records from user accounts, the Phone Number field in the Contacts table is populated with the phone number provided for the user account. The Phone Number field is optional.
User Name A system User field that is automatically populated with a SBM user name when a Contact record is created for that user. The option to create a Contact record for users is on the General tab of the Add/Edit User dialog box. This field is set to read only by the system and this property cannot be modified.

Languages Table

Field Name Notes
Active/Inactive A Binary/Trinary field that indicates the active or inactive status of the language.
Language A Text field that stores the names of languages the user interface has been translated into. The Language field is the system Title field and the default for the value display format for this table.
Locale A Text field that stores the ISO 639-1 locale string for the language.

Problems Table

Field Name Notes
Description A Text field that lets users provide a description for problems. The Description field is provided with the Problems table by default, but is optional.
Folder A Folder field that lets users create links to problems in folders. Knowledge Base folders are designed to allow anonymous access to items, but users can also create Problem links in public or favorite folders. The Folder field is optional, but using it can help users better organize records in the Problems table.
Title A Text field that serves as the system title field and the default for the value display format for this table.
Visibility A Binary/Trinary field that lets users set the visibility of a problem to internal or public. Users who are granted the "View Public Problems and Resolutions" privilege can view items with public visibility. Anonymous users can also view items with public visibility if they are stored in Knowledge Base folders that allow anonymous access. By default, all new problems have internal visibility.
Last Updated An auto-populated Date/Time field that indicates the date and time a problem was last updated. This information is used for auditing and establishing change history for problems. The Last Updated field is provided with the Problems table by default, but is optional.

Resolutions Table

Field Name Notes
Description A Text field that lets users provide a description for resolutions. The Description field is provided with the Resolutions table by default, but is optional.
Last Updated An auto-populated Date/Time field that indicates the date and time a resolution was last updated. This information is used for auditing and establishing change history for resolutions. The Last Updated field is provided with the Resolutions table by default, but is optional.
Problem A Single Relational field based on the Problems table and lets users select a problem to associate with a resolution.
Title A Text field that serves as the system title field and the default for the value display format for this table.
Visibility A Binary/Trinary field that lets users set the visibility of a resolution to internal or public. Users who are granted the "View Public Problems and Resolutions" privilege can view items with public visibility. Anonymous users can also view resolutions with public visibility if they are associated with problems that are stored in Knowledge Base folders that allow anonymous access. By default, all new resolutions have internal visibility.

SharePoint Project Servers Table

This table contains relationship information between a SharePoint® site and an SBM project. It is populated automatically and must not be populated manually.

SharePoint Servers Table

Field Name Notes
Title Identifies what this SharePoint® server is used for, such as "Sales" or "Human Resources."
Site Url Contains the Site Collection root or high-level SharePoint folder under which SharePoint sites will be created. For example, http://SharePointServerName:port/sites/ImageBuilder
User Name The account that will be used to create the folders in SharePoint. This account needs permissions in SharePoint to add folders and add, edit, and delete documents. This account is also used when attachment actions are performed in SBM by an anonymous user.
Password The password used to access the account. This password is stored in the database, so it should be configured to not expire.

String IDs Table

Field Name Notes
Name A Text field that stores string representations of unique resource identifiers associated with strings. The Name field serves as the system title field and the default for the value display format for this table.
Root Value Stores the user-visible value for the string. Root values should not be modified.

Strings Table

Field Name Notes
Create Date An auto-populated Date/Time field that records the date and time strings were submitted. The Create Date field is provided with the Strings table by default, but is optional.
Creator An auto-populated User field indicating the user who submitted a string. All users who can submit items into the system are available as values for this field, but you can control who submits strings through privileges. To ensure data integrity for Creator field values, set this field to read-only or move it into the Hidden Fields section.
Description A Text field that lets users provide a description for strings.
Language ID A Single Relational field associated with the Languages table that lets you associate a translated string with a language.
Last Modified Date An auto-populated Date/Time field that indicates the date and time a string was last updated. This information is used for auditing and establishing change history for items. The Last Modified Date field is provided with the Strings table by default, but is optional.
Last Modifier An auto-populated User field that records which user last changed a string. The value of the Last Modifier field changes as strings are updated. All users who can update items into the system are available as values for this field, but you can control who updates strings through privileges. To ensure data integrity for Last Modifier field values, set this field to read-only or move it into the Hidden Fields section. The Last Modifier field is provided with the Strings table by default, but is optional.
String A Text field that stores strings that are displayed in SBM User Workspace elements, such as labels, button names, and error messages.
String ID A Single Relational field associated with the String IDs table that lets you associate a unique resource identifier, referred to as an internal ID, with a string. The String ID field is the default for the value display format for this table.