Field Comparison Operators

The following table lists the comparison operators that are available for field-to-value comparisons and field-to-field comparisons in rule expressions.

Field Type Field-to-Value Operators Field-to-Field Operators
Binary/Trinary Binary: =; Trinary: in, not in =, <>
Date/Time =, <>, >, >=, <, <= Same as "Field-to-Value Operators"
Multi-Group contains any, does not contain any Same as "Field-to-Value Operators"
Multi-Selection contains all, does not contain all, contains any, does not contain any Not supported
Multi-User contains any, does not contain any Same as "Field-to-Value Operators"
Numeric =, <>, >, >=, <, <= Same as "Field-to-Value Operators"
Single Selection in, not in Not supported
State in, not in Not supported
Sub-Relational All operators applicable to the referenced Sub-Relational field type. Same as "Field-to-Value Operators"
Summation =, <>, >, >=, <, <= Same as "Field-to-Value Operators"
Text contains, not contains, like, not like =, <>
User in, not in Same as "Field-to-Value Operators"

Related Topics

Rule Operators

Creating Expressions for Rules

Field Options and Values