Tutorial: Defining Parent-Driven Actions

This example explains how to define an action that closes a child item when its parent is completed.


The following must be set up before you perform this procedure:
  • Single Relational field called Child
  • Application workflow named Parent Workflow:
    • In Progress state
    • Assign transtion that leads from the New state to the In Progress state
    • Closed state
    • Close transtion that leads from the In Progress state to the Closed state
  • Application workflow named Child Workflow with the same steps and transitions as the Parent Workflow

To set up a parent-driven action:

  1. Create an action that will close the child item when the value of the Active/Inactive field in the parent item is Inactive.
    1. In the Parent workflow, right-click the Close transition, and select Show Actions.
    2. On the Actions tab of the transition Property Editor, click New.
    3. In the Action Wizard that opens, select Transition, and then click Next.
    4. Select Referenced items in relational field.
    5. Click the specified link and then select Child.
    6. Select Field value.
    7. Click the specified link and select Active/Inactive.
    8. Make sure the next link reads is.
    9. Click the Active link, select Inactive, and then click Next.
    10. Select Child:Close (In Progress->Close), and then click Finish.
  2. Deploy the process app.
  3. Test the process app.
    1. In the SBM User Workspace, submit an item into the Parent Workflow.
    2. Click Assign.
    3. Submit an item into the Child Workflow.
    4. Click Assign.
    5. In the Parent Workflow, select the child item in the Child field, and then click Close. In the Child field in the Standard Fields section, the child item has (Inactive) after its name. This means the item was closed.

Related Topics

Tutorial: Defining Child-Driven Actions