Applications → Managing Transitions → Working with Transitions → Calculating Values for Date/Time and Numeric Fields
Field calculations for transitions provide a way to collect metrics using Date/Time and Numeric fields. For example, you could calculate how long Help Desk calls wait before a Support representative begins working the issue, or calculate interest values based on the current date.
The Set to calculation option appears when you select a Date/Time or Numeric field on the Field Overrides tab of the transition Property Editor.
To calculate values for Date/Time and Numeric fields:
The list contains only valid operators for this field and the current operand. If you change the operand, the operator list is updated with the appropriate choices. If you select an operator that is not valid with the operand, the operator changes, usually to None. (The None operator is useful if you want to transfer the value of another field to this field during the transition.)
Field Type |
1st Operand Constant |
1st Operand Field Types |
Operators |
2nd Operand Constant |
2nd Operand Field Types |
Elapsed Time | Elapsed Time | Elapsed Time | None, +, – | Elapsed Time | Elapsed Time |
Elapsed Time | Elapsed Time | Elapsed Time | *, Truncating /, Rounding / | Float | Numeric Int, Single Select, Summation |
Elapsed Time | Elapsed Time | Elapsed Time | Truncating *, Rounding *, Truncating /, Rounding / | Float | Numeric Float |
Elapsed Time | Date/Time | Date/Time | – | Date/Time | Date/Time, Date |
Elapsed Time | (not applicable) | Date | – | Date/Time | Date/Time, Date |
Date/Time | Date/Time | Date/Time | None, +, – | Elapsed Time | Elapsed Time |
Date/Time | (not applicable) | Date | None, + | Elapsed Time | Elapsed Time, Time |
Date/Time | (not applicable) | Date | – | Elapsed Time | Elapsed Time |
Date | Date | Date/Time, Date | None, Truncating +, Rounding +, Truncating –, Rounding – | Elapsed Time | Elapsed Time |
Time | Time | Time | None, +, – | Elapsed Time | Elapsed Time |
Time | (not applicable) | Date/Time | None (assigns time portion of date/time) | (not applicable) | (not applicable) |
Numeric Int | Int | Numeric Int, Single Select, Summation | None, +, –, *, Truncating /, (integer math), Rounding / | Int | Numeric Int, Single Select, Summation |
Numeric Int | Int | Numeric Int, Single Select, Summation | Truncating +, Truncating –, Truncating *, Truncating /, Rounding +, Rounding –, Rounding *, Rounding / | Float | Numeric Float |
Numeric Int | Float | Numeric Float | Truncating +, Truncating –, Truncating *, Truncating /, Rounding +, Rounding –, Rounding *, Rounding / | Int or Float | Numeric Int/Float, Single Select, Summation |
Numeric Float | Int or Float | Numeric Int/Float, Single Select, Summation | None, +, –, *, / | Int or Float | Numeric Int/Float, Single Select, Summation |
Numeric Float | Int or Float | Numeric Int/Float, Single Select, Summation | * | (not applicable) | Elapsed Time (converted to hours) |
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