Applications → Using Actions → Using the Action Wizard
Use this wizard to define the action you want to associate with the selected state or transition. You can set up some action types to be executed before or after a transition, upon entry to a state, or upon exit from a state.
For a state or transition, available actions include invocation of a "wait for reply (synchronous)" orchestration workflow, transition of a linked item, execution of a script, and execution of a Web service method. For a transition, "continue executing (asynchronous)" orchestration workflow) and trigger actions are also available.
For a "wait for reply (synchronous)" orchestration workflow, the description includes which item will be affected, when the execution occurs (before or after a transition, for example), and the orchestration workflow to be executed.
For a Web service, the description includes which item will be affected, when the execution occurs (before or after a transition, for example), and the Web service method to be executed.
Some aspects of the description (such as orchestration workflow type, field names, values, and relationships) must be specified. Click links in the description to make your selections.
Click Next and Back to modify your choices until you are satisfied with the action rule description. Click Finish to save the description.
The Action Wizard includes the following tasks:
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