

Attachment-Access-Type indicates the type of attachment on an item. It is used for note, item link, URL, and file attachments. This type is used to determine whether the attachment has a restriction, is unrestricted, or if neither is set.


Name Type Description
ATTACHACCESS-DEFAULT string Restrict the attachment only as specified by user privileges.
ATTACHACCESS-RESTRICTED string Makes the attachment visible only to users who can view the item.
ATTACHACCESS-UNRESTRICTED string Makes the attachment visible to all users who can view the item.


The Unrestricted status makes the file visible to all users who can view the item. You can set a file to have Default status to restrict the file as specified by user privileges. The Unrestricted status is disabled if you do not have privileges to set file attachments as unrestricted for the selected project or auxiliary table.


The following XML shows Attachment-Access-Type in the <urn:accessType> element of a typical call.
