Validating Scripts

The Validation Output pane below the script editor displays AppScript validation status and results. The Viewing Validation Results and Log Information can list scripts that failed validation when the process app containing the scripts is validated.

The Validation Output pane includes features to help troubleshoot validation errors. For more information, see Troubleshooting AppScripts.

To validate a specific script:

  1. Select the script under the AppScripts heading in App Explorer.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click the Validate AppScript button on the AppScript tab of the Ribbon.
    • Right-click in the script editor and then select Validate.

To validate all scripts:

  1. Select the Validate AppScripts during Process App validation check box on the General Options tab of the SBM Composer Options dialog box.
  2. Validate the process app containing the scripts (see Validating a Process App).
  3. Double-click a message in the Validation Results to open the Validation Output pane and see details about the applicable script.
Note: To optimize performance, the validation only checks those scripts that changed or were added since the process app was last validated.
Tip: When the Validation Output pane and Validation Results are both open, you can arrange them by dragging, just as you can arrange editor tabs in the editor pane. For details, see Working with Panels.