SBM Orchestration Guide → Orchestration Procedures → Using the Step Palette → Using the Service Step → Using Basic Access Authentication
Some Web services require authentication, such as a user name and a password. In one common method, called basic access authentication, this information is included in the HTTP header of the Web service call. SBM Composer supports basic access authentication for individual Web service operations within an orchestration workflow.
For example, you can create two working data elements to hold a user name and a password, enter text as default values, and set up the Authentication input's UserName and Password components for multiple Service steps to use those working data elements. That way, if the user name or password changes, you only need to update the two working data elements to keep all of the Service steps set up to call the Web service.
To use basic access authentication:
Select an orchestration workflow to display it in the orchestration workflow editor.
Select a Service step for which you want to set up basic access authentication.
On the General tab of the Property Editor, make sure the Service step is associated with a Web service and an operation, and that the Web service supports basic access authentication.
In the orchestration workflow editor, right-click the Service step, and then select Use Basic Access Authentication.
This adds the Authentication step input (with the UserName and Password data elements), to the Data Mapping tab of the Property Editor. These data elements can be used for the Service step and for any other Service steps in the orchestration workflow that are associated with the same Web service operation.
For each of the Service steps to which the Authentication step input was added, do one of the following for both the UserName and Password data elements:
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