Applications → Managing Fields → Field Settings → Options Tab of the Field Property Editor → Text Field Options
Text fields let users enter information about primary and auxiliary items.
Text fields with the Memo or Journal option enabled cannot be sorted in reports.
Select this option to let a user enter up to 65,535 Unicode characters in the field. (See Span entire row on forms, below.)
Select this option to automatically insert a date, time, and user ID whenever a user enters text in the field. A journal field can accept up to 65,535 Unicode characters.
Selecting this option enables these additional options:
Forces the text in any new journal entries to be appended to the text in an existing journal entry, preventing users from modifying existing journal entries. Clear this option to let users edit existing journal entries.
Select this check box to insert new journal entries at the top of the list, so the journal entries are ordered from newest to oldest. Clear this check box to insert new journal entries at the bottom of the list, so the journal entries are ordered from oldest to newest. (Changing this option does not affect the order in which existing journal entries are listed.)
Select this option and specify maximum number (up to 255 Unicode characters) allowed in the field. (See Span entire row on forms, below.)
(Custom text fields only) Selecting this option displays an additional option:
Forces the characters in this field to be replaced with asterisks (*) on state and transition forms and in the form preview.
Select this check box to enable a Rich Text Editor that lets users apply basic formatting to text in the field. This also enables the Rich Text Editor for the Default Value setting located on the Attributes tab. For details, refer to Setting Default Values for Fields.
Clear the check box if you do not want the Rich Text Editor available for this field or you do not want HTML tags rendered at runtime. You may want to disable the editor if you want HTML tags and code snippets to display as plain text, for example.
The Rich Text Editor is enabled or disabled at a system level in SBM Application Administrator. If you select the Enable Rich Text check box for a field, but HTML5 features are disabled for your system, HTML tags manually added to the field are rendered on State forms.
The Enable Rich Text option applies only to Memo and Journal fields and is selected by default when a new field of this type is added to a table.
Select this option to make this field the only field to appear on a single row.
Search & Query
Select this option to include the field in lists on report forms. If you clear this option after the field is used in reports, the changed setting is ignored for those reports and the field is still shown until it is removed from the report definition.
Select this option to add the field to the Auxiliary Data search forms and the Advanced Lookup Tool and Relational Field Value Lookup forms.
The field order for the Advanced Lookup Tool and Relational Field Value Lookup forms for primary items is determined by the default field order of the table's first project in the project hierarchy. Projects are defined in Application Administrator.
Select this option to specify that the field will be available for selection on the Advanced Search page. This setting applies to primary and auxiliary tables. See Configuring Advanced Search for additional information.
Select this option to automatically use wildcard characters both before and after the search text for this field in the SBM User Workspace, unless there are wildcard characters within the search text. This helps users search for keywords more easily.
When this option is enabled, a percent sign (%) is displayed next to the field on the Lookup form in the SBM User Workspace.
When this option is disabled, a wildcard character is automatically appended to the search text, unless the search text itself includes wildcard characters.
Select this option to let users search for particular text from keyword searches in Serena Work Center and the SBM User Workspace.
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