About Forms

Forms provide access to information in primary and auxiliary items through three views:

For each type of view, you can use the default "quick" form or a custom form. When a different form is needed, you can override the default form for each state and transition in SBM Composer. You can also use SBM Application Administrator to override forms for individual projects or states and transitions in those projects.

Quick Forms

Quick forms are automatically generated by the system and initially assigned to workflows, states, transitions, and auxiliary tables. They use field privilege sections to determine field placement and security. Quick forms use standard formatting and require little maintenance.

Custom Forms

Custom forms offer great flexibility for changing the appearance and the behavior that users experience as they work with primary and auxiliary items. You can:
  • Organize fields regardless of their privilege section.
  • Change the form's visual appearance. For example, you may want to match forms to your organization's color scheme. You can also add your own images, hyperlinks, static text, buttons, and JavaScript files to custom forms.
  • Use form actions to add dynamic behavior, such as hiding one field when a certain value is selected in a different field.
  • Remove or modify transition buttons or the Actions drop-down list.
  • Add widgets. For example, use the Embedded Report widget to add an SBM to your form, or use the REST Grid widget to access external data through a REST service and display it in a tabular format in an application.

You can create a custom form with pre-populated sections or auto-sections. You can also base the custom form on another form or start with an empty form.

For details, refer to Customizing Forms.


A custom form with auto-sections is automatically populated based on field privileges. With auto-sections, you can:

Security vs. Design

Custom forms enable you to control access to data and customize design and layout through two mechanisms: privilege sections and visual sections.

Privilege sections control access to fields placed on forms; visual sections control field placement on forms. For details, refer to Controlling Access to Data.