Administrative Utilities → About Data Import → Data Import Settings
Use the Import Options page to set options for importing spreadsheets, including data mapping and duplicate record handling.
Browse to a spreadsheet that is formatted based on the specifications in Preparing a Spreadsheet for Importing Data.
The list contains tables that the importing user has privileges to submit items into and that is configured to allow imports. For on-premise systems, this setting can be found on the Advanced tab of the Edit Table dialog box in SBM System Administrator.
Select the primary or auxiliary table into which data will be imported.
Optionally, select a spreadsheet column to detect and handle duplicate records in the spreadsheet and the selected project or auxiliary table. If you do not specify a column for duplicate detection, new records are added for every row in the spreadsheet.
Detection is based on identical values in the spreadsheet row and the SBM field. For guidance, refer to Record Matching.
The following duplication detection options are available:
Select the spreadsheet column that should be used for duplicate detection. Values in the column's row are matched with values in SBM fields.
Select this option to ignore duplicate items in the spreadsheet and leave existing SBM items intact.
Update mapped fields in existing SBM items based on data in the spreadsheet.
Use these options to send a copy of the import log file by e-mail when the import process completes and to send e-mail messages to newly imported users.
The Notification Server must be configured and running to send import logs and new user confirmations. On-premise customers use SBM Configurator to manage the Notification Server. The Notification Server is enabled in on-demand systems.
Change these options as needed:
This check box is selected by default. Clear it to stop the import log from being sent by e-mail.
By default, the user logged into SBM Application Administrator when the import process is started is sent the log message. Change the e-mail address as needed. To send the log to multiple addresses, separate each address with a comma.
Use the Field Mapping section to map spreadsheet columns to SBM fields. You can save field mappings for specific tables and reuse them for additional imports and updates. For guidelines, refer to Field Mapping Considerations.
This drop-down list stores field mappings saved for the selected import table. This enables you to quickly perform additional imports or update existing data. Saved field mappings can be used by any administrator who has privileges to submit and update items into the table selected for the field map.
Select this check box to use default values for cells that do not contain data. If a default value is not set for the mapped field, the field value is empty after the import is complete.
Select this icon to save field mappings.
Select to clear existing mappings and create new field mappings.
Select this icon to delete a field mapping.
Select this option to have the data import split the cell value into multiple values using the value separator of your choice. This enables you to import multiple values into Multi-Selection, Multi-User, Multi-Group, and Multi-Relational fields.
Used in combination with the Parse multiple values in a cell option. Specify the character that is used in your spreadsheet to distinguish multiple values in a cell. For example, enter a comma if your selections are in a comma-separated list (Val 1, Val 2, Val 3), or use the pipe symbol (|) if commas are used in the values that you want to import.
Lists the information from the first row of the spreadsheet. This is considered a header row used for mapping and data in this row is never imported as a data record.
Lists information from the second row of the spreadsheet. Data in this row is provided to assist you with mapping and is also imported as a primary or auxiliary item.
As you map fields, this column shows the SBM field mapped to the spreadsheet column.
Click this button to automatically map similar columns in the spreadsheet to SBM fields. Matching is based on a case-insensitive comparison of the spreadsheet column header and the field name.
To map fields individually, select a spreadsheet column and an SBM field, and then click Map.
To individually unmap fields, select a spreadsheet column and an SBM field, and then click Unmap.
Click this button to remove all field mappings.
Search for fields by display name. Searches are case-insensitive.
Indicates the display name for the SBM.
Indicates the type of SBM field.
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