Managing System Views

Work Center provides three system views for Home and for each application and application group. Users with the Remote Administration privilege can modify these system views.

Changes made to the system views impact all users. Users cannot remove widgets and feeds added to these system views, but they can add their own feeds and add and reorganize their own dashboard widgets.

The system views have the following default behavior:
  • My Dashboard

    Shows tips for using the dashboard. You can replace these tips with widgets that contain reports, condensed activity views, or external Web pages.

    Tip: All users in your system will see the same content for Home, so choose content that applies to a broad set of user privileges.
  • My Activity

    Shows the "All Items I Own (Primary)" system feed.

  • My Calendar

    Has no default feeds. You can add public calendar feeds or leave this task to users, who can create and add their own calendar feeds.

Note: System views for Serena-provided solutions, such as Release Manager and Service Manager, may differ from that of system views for custom applications and application groups.

To modify a system view:

  1. Select one of these:
    • To change a Home page view, click the Home icon.


    • To change an application view, click a pinned application icon on the toolbar.
  2. Click the Manage Views (image) icon in the navigation pane.
  3. Select the view category (Dashboards, Activities, or Calendars), and then search for or navigate to the view you want to change.
  4. Hover over the view, and then select the Edit icon.
  5. Select the System View button.
    Note: You will only see this button if you have the Remote Administration privilege.
  6. Modify the view as follows:
    • For dashboards, change the name and description. Save your changes, then run the view to add widgets to the system view.
    • For activity and calendar views, modify any setting.
  7. Save your changes.