Scheduling Reports

You can schedule most reports to run at a particular day and time and have the results sent to the e-mail address specified in your user account and to other users, depending on your privileges. You can also schedule reports to run on a recurring basis.

The e-mail message includes a link to a report a PDF attachment that contains the report results. For the following report types, users can choose to send report data in a PDF or a zipped Excel document:

Only the first 10 columns are included in PDF reports that return a list of items, such as those above. PDF results for list-type reports are limited to 200 items by default. Your administrator can change this setting, however.

To schedule a report:

  1. From the Work Center toolbar, click the icon for a pinned application or application group.
  2. Click the Reports expander from the navigation pane, and then click Report Center.
  3. Find the report you want to schedule. For guidance, refer to Searching for Reports.
  4. Hover over a report row, and then click the Schedule (image) icon.
  5. On the Schedule a Report dialog box, select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly to schedule recurring report generation, or select On Date to send the report once on a specific date.
  6. Specify the time the report should be generated, based on the time zone set in your user profile.
  7. Depending on the type of report, you may be able to choose to send a PDF or a zipped Excel file.
  8. Depending on your privileges, you can enter all or part of a user name or group in the CC field to send the report to other users.
  9. Save your changes.
Note the following additional information:
  • You cannot schedule Drill Through, Details, Calendar, and Application reports.
  • For Multi-View reports, a separate PDF or zip file is attached for each report.

Viewing Scheduled Reports

To view reports you have scheduled:

  1. From the Work Center toolbar, click the icon for a pinned application or application group.
  2. Click the Reports expander from the navigation pane, and then click Report Center.
  3. Click Scheduled Reports. Your scheduled reports are listed in the right pane.

Removing Scheduled Reports

To remove scheduling information from a report:

  1. Click Scheduled Reports. Your scheduled reports are listed in the right pane.
  2. Find the report.
  3. Click the Schedule (image) icon located under the report title.


  4. On the Schedule a Report dialog box, click Remove.