

This service returns a list of solutions that can be accessed by the user.


Argument Type Description
auth (optional) Auth The Auth type supplies credentials and optionally, a host name for licensing. The userId and password can be specified with HTTP BASIC or WS-SECURITY instead.
options Options Holds name value pairing for future arguments.


SolutionData (a list of solutions) is returned in the response. Each return element contains a SolutionIdentifier, and additional information including the UUID. See SolutionData for more information.


This call is a good starting point for using the SBM Web services. After calling GetSolutions, you can call GetTables to get available tables. You can then use the table identifiers to get items with GetItemsByQuery, or create auxiliary items with CreateAuxItems. To create primary items, use GetSubmitProjects followed by CreatePrimaryItems.
Note: Primary items require the ProjectIdentifier, while auxiliary items require the TableIdentifier.



The following XML is a snippet of the payload that is sent with GetSolutions.
