

Table-Type indicates the type of table. The available table types are listed below.


Name Type Description
NOT-SPECIFIED string Used to not specify a table type.
SYSTEM-TABLE string A table type that is inherent to any SBM database.
PRIMARY-TABLE string A table that stores information about primary items, which follow an application workflow process.
AUXILIARY-TABLE string A table that stores information that may be needed repeatedly. Stores records that do not follow an application workflow process.
SYSTEM-AUXILIARY-TABLE string An built-in auxiliary table provided by SBM
ARCHIVE-TABLE string A built-in table used to store archived primary or auxiliary records.


Table-Type can be used to limit the types of tables returned in GetTables. It can also be used to identify the type of table returned in the GetTables response.


The following XML shows Table-Type as seen in the type element of a GetTables response.

      <ae:table xsi:type="ae:TableIdentifier">
      <ae:solution xsi:type="ae:SolutionIdentifier">
         <ae:displayName>Issue Defect Management</ae:displayName>