Web Services Developer's Guide → Web Services API Reference → SBM Application Web Services → Arguments → ReportsFilter
The ReportsFilter type allows you to filter the reports returned via the GetReports call. The ReportsFilter type parameters are listed below.
Name | Type | Description |
solution | SolutionIdentifier | Holds the identification information for a solution. |
project | ProjectIdentifier | Holds the identification information for a project. |
table | TableIdentifier | Holds the identification information for a table. |
author | UserIdentifier | Holds the identification information for a user. |
reportType | ReportType | An enumeration that indicates the type of report. The default value is 1 for LISTING. |
reportCategory | ReportCategory | A broader enumeration that limits the response based on the category of report (built-in reports, application reports, reports you authored). The default value is "ALL." |
reportAccessLevel | ReportAccessLevel | An enumeration that limits the response based on the report's access level (PRIVATE, GUEST, USER, or MANAGER). |
report | ReportIdentifier | Holds the identification information for a report. |
searchByName | string | Specifies the name of the report as a search parameter. |
includeSubProjects | boolean | This flag indicates whether or not to include reports that are based on sub-projects of the project that is specified. The default value is "false." |
createdDateFrom | dateTime | Filter reports created after this date. |
createdDateTo | dateTime | Filter reports created before this date. |
extendedData | ExtendedData | Placeholder for future arguments. |
You can filter the reports returned in GetReports using ReportsFilter. For example, you can specify "joe" in the displayName of the author element to only return reports that Joe created. Keep in mind that projects do no exist for auxiliary tables so the ProjectIdentifier should be left empty when searching for reports against auxiliary tables.
The following XML snippet shows ReportsFilter as seen in a typical call.
<urn:reportsFilter> <urn:solution> <urn:displayName></urn:displayName> <urn:id>1</urn:id> <urn:uuid></urn:uuid> <urn:uniqueName>BASE_ISSUE_DEFECT_TRACKING</urn:uniqueName> <urn:tabName></urn:tabName> </urn:solution> <urn:project> <urn:displayName></urn:displayName> <urn:id>4</urn:id> <urn:uuid></urn:uuid> <urn:fullyQualifiedName></urn:fullyQualifiedName> </urn:project> <urn:table> <urn:displayName></urn:displayName> <urn:id>1000</urn:id> <urn:uuid></urn:uuid> <urn:dbName></urn:dbName> </urn:table> <urn:author> <urn:displayName>Joe</urn:displayName> <urn:id></urn:id> <urn:uuid></urn:uuid> <urn:loginId></urn:loginId> </urn:author> <urn:reportType>LISTING</urn:reportType> <urn:reportCategory>ALL</urn:reportCategory> <urn:reportAccessLevel>USER</urn:reportAccessLevel> <urn:report> <urn:displayName></urn:displayName> <urn:id></urn:id> <urn:uuid></urn:uuid> </urn:report> <urn:searchByName>ALL</urn:searchByName> <urn:includeSubProjects>true</urn:includeSubProjects> <urn:createdDateFrom>2007-06-20T15:35:38-07:00</urn:createdDateFrom> <urn:createdDateTo>2007-07-20T15:35:38-07:00</urn:createdDateTo> <urn:extendedData> <urn:data> <urn:name></urn:name> <urn:value></urn:value> </urn:data> </urn:extendedData> </urn:reportsFilter>
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