SBM Orchestration Guide → Orchestration Procedures → Using the Scope, Throw, and Compensate Steps to Handle Faults From Web Services → Using the Scope Step
The Scope step includes a FaultHandler section and a CompensationHandler section. The FaultHandler is for handling Web service (SOAP) faults. By default, it has a CatchAll branch, which also catches faults generated by the BPEL engine. You can also add other Catch branches. Each Catch branch can handle a specific named Web service fault.
You can optionally add a Throw step to the FaultHandler section and a Compensation step to the CompensationHandler section. The Throw step is explained in Using the Throw Step, and the CompensationHandler is covered in Using the Compensate Step.
Procedure Summary
In App Explorer, select an orchestration workflow to display it in the orchestration workflow editor.
In the New Items section of the Step Palette, drag a Scope step onto the orchestration workflow editor, and drop it onto the line between the Start and End steps.
You can change the name of the Scope step in the Property Editor, and you can also add a description.
In the Step Palette, drag a Service step associated with a Web service onto the orchestration workflow editor, and drop it into the Scope section.
If the Web service returns named faults, you can perform the following steps to handle them:
Expand the FaultHandler section.
Add and configure Catch branches one at a time, or automatically add and configure all Catch branches for a Web service operation.
Right-click the Fault Handler step, and then select Insert New Catch.
A new Catch branch appears above the CatchAll branch.
On the General tab of the Property Editor, specify a Web service fault by selecting it from the Fault name list. You can also change the name of the Catch branch and provide a description.
In the top section of the Scope step, right-click the Service step, and then select Add Catch Branches to Scope.
Catch branches are automatically added to the FaultHandler section.
To handle faults that are not handled by the Catch branches, you can drag any steps that you want to use to handle these faults into the Scope section and drop them onto the CatchAll branch. Then configure the steps as required.
You cannot specify a fault name and a fault message for the CatchAll branch, because it is invoked if none of the other branches can handle the fault.
If the Web service does not return named faults, perform the following steps to handle the faults returned by the Web service:
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