Request Responses

This section describes the request responses. The following responses are returned by REST Web service operations.


This is the returned HTTP response code. If the HTTP services or resource request is successful, the HTTP response code that is returned is in the 2XX range. By default, if this code is outside the success range, RESTCaller throws a RESTCallerFault. If the returnAllHttpCodes option is set to true, all HTTP response codes are returned.


This is the returned HTTP response message. By default, if the HTTP response code is outside the success range, RESTCaller throws a RESTCallerFault. If the returnAllHttpCodes option is set to true, all HTTP response codes are returned along with the corresponding HTTP response message.


Returns the HTTP body text, unless RESTCaller can return the response body formatted as XML. If the response body can be formatted as XML, this field is empty unless the copyResultAsText option is set to true.


Returns the HTTP body text if RESTCaller can return the response body formatted as XML.