Running Renew

The renew.jar file is located in the installationDirectory\Serena\SBM\Common\jboss405\bin directory.

The following procedure describes how to prepare for and run the renew utility. For a description of the commands and their usage and output, see Renew Commands.

Important: Renew must be run locally from the Orchestration Engine server. It uses libraries from the Orchestration Engine server JBoss installation and uses the Windows registry to find that installation.
Renew is a command-line Java application, and requires a Java JDK in the Windows "Path" system variable. You can use the JDK installed by SBM and create a small batch file that surrounds your particular usage of renew. The following is an example of the file content, and shows the path to the JDK in the default SBM directory:
set JAVA_HOME=c:\Program Files\Serena\SBM\Common\jdk1.7
java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar renew.jar

To run renew:

Important: It is recommended that you back up your Orchestration Engine database before you run renew. For production systems and complex situations, it is a best practice to perform a trial run on a test system using a backup of your target system.
  1. Obtain the following information about your SBM system:
    • The number of environments you have
    • The number of Orchestration Engine servers you have
    • The environment that points to each Orchestration Engine server
    • The database that is used for each Orchestration Engine server
    • An SBM user name and password that can access the environments you need to renew
    • A database user name and password that can be used to log into the Orchestration Engine database you need to renew, with privileges to list and deploy process apps.
  2. Determine which Orchestration Engine server you are going to renew.
  3. Determine which environments use the Orchestration Engine server you are going to renew. (There is typically only one, but it is a good idea to check.)
  4. Make sure the endpoints in the environment that uses the Orchestration Engine server are correct. Changes are only picked up on deployment, and renew will use the latest.
  5. If extended characters were used in the names of environments, process apps, orchestrations, or orchestration workflows, follow the procedures in Extended Character Handling.
  6. Run renew -listenvs to list the environments in your system and make sure you are working with the correct environment. This command can warn you about certain problematic server configurations.
  7. Run renew -report to view information specific to that environment, such as the process apps, target servers, endpoints, and orchestrations in the environment. This command can warn you about certain problematic server configurations.
    Important: Check whether you have a problematic server configuration where SBM Application Engine or Orchestration Engine servers are shared across environments. Do not continue unless you are sure that this does not apply to your system or unless you understand the consequences. (For details, see Problematic Server Configurations.)
  8. Optionally, perform a test run of renew -redeploy to confirm that the orchestration workflows you expected to be redeployed are redeployed correctly.
    Note: As an extra precaution, use the information in Tables Affected By Renew to perform a deeper analysis.
  9. Stop access to the SBM system. It is recommended that you then stop the JBoss service and back up your Orchestration Engine database.
  10. Run renew -clear against the Orchestration Engine database associated with the Orchestration Engine server you are renewing.
  11. Restart the JBoss service and wait for it to initialize.
  12. Run renew -redeploy for each of the environments associated with the Orchestration Engine server you are renewing.
  13. Allow access to the SBM system.