Adhering to naming standards makes it easier to maintain and understand
an orchestration workflow.
Step Names
Best practices for orchestration workflow step names follow:
- Use camel case (CamelCase) to name steps. Do not use all uppercase
or all lowercase letters.
- Name the steps to describe what they are doing:
- A
Calculate step assigns a value to
something. It has two parts: the
Target and the
Expression. Name the step to describe what is being set in
Target. For example, use
SetTitleField instead of
- Name
ForEach and
While steps to describe what they are
processing. For example, use
ForEachConfigurationRecord instead of
- Name
Service steps to describe what the Web
service operation is doing. For example, use
CreateAddress instead of
- Name
Service steps using a prefix for the Web
services. For example, use
SBM_GetTestCases for the
sbmappservices72 "GetItems" operation to
distinguish it from non-SBM
Web services.
- Do not use a numeric suffix to indicate a different invocation of
the same Web service. For example, do not use
SBM_GetItemsByQuery and
SBM_GetItemsByQuery1. Instead, use
SBM_RetrieveConfigurationRecords and
- Name each
Decision step as a question and name each
branch from the step as the answer. For example, use
ValidName for the step name and
No for the branch name.
Note: In newer versions of
spaces are allowed in branch names. However, in earlier versions spaces are not
allowed, so those branches use camel case.
Working Data Element Names
You use working data elements (variables) to hold intermediate data
and other data needed by orchestration workflow steps. It is important to name
these data elements in a way that makes it clear what role they play and how
they are used.
Best practices for working data element names follow:
- Use camel case (CamelCase) to name the data elements. Do not use
all uppercase or all lowercase letters.
- Use a name that makes it clear what kind of data is being stored.
For example, do not use
DataElement or
Temp. Use descriptive names such as
SBMAuth or
ItemName instead.
- Use plurals or
List to name working data array elements. For
WorkItems or
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