SBM Orchestration Guide → Raising Events Using JMS Queues → Introduction
This chapter provides information about creating event sources from XML messages in one or more JMS queues using the EMQA in SBM. Material on creating and handling event messages from these sources is also included.
This chapter is for experienced software developers or integrators who are familiar with the SOAP standard and Extensible Markup Language (XML), and who have expert knowledge of the Web Service Description Language (WSDL) and of creating Web services. In addition, an understanding of Java™ Message Service (JMS) and the XML elements that pass through the JMS queue is needed. A working knowledge of SBM is also required.
You must have a messaging system that supports the JMS Specification, version 1.1 or later. A previously created connection factory and destination must be available through standard JNDI lookups.
Also, to create the event definition that enables the Event Manager to handle the events raised by the EMQA, you must provide the schema associated with the XML documents that you want to send to the JMS queue. (See Creating a Custom Event Definition for more information.)
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