Enabling the JMX Console Login

The JMX console login is disabled by default when you install SBM. To use the EMQA Setup Service, you must enable it.

The JMX console is a powerful administrative console for JBoss, so it should be secured with a strong password and other protections, such as a firewall on the http://server:port/jmx-console URL.

To enable the JMX console login:

  1. Open the jmx-console-users.properties file located in the installDir\Common\jboss405\server\default\conf\props folder.
  2. Delete the number sign (#) next to admin=admin.
  3. Change the password. For example, change #admin=admin to admin-mypassword, where mypassword is a strong password containing, for example, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and numbers.
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Save a backup copy of the shutdown.serena.bat file located in the installDir\Common\jboss405\bin folder in another location.
  6. Edit the original file, changing the set ARGS=--user=admin -password=admin -S line to match your JMX console admin password. For example, set ARGS=--user=admin -password=mypassword -S.
  7. Save and close the file, and then restart JBoss.