You can add transitions between states in an application workflow or
To add any transition (except the
Copy and
Update transitions) between states:
- From the
Workflow Palette, drag a transition type onto
the state in which you want the new transition to begin.
- Release the mouse button.
- Click the state in which you want the
new transition to end.
- Type a name for the transition, and then press the Enter key.
Note: You can also double-click a transition in the
Workflow Palette to add the transition to the
workflow. The transition is placed between the two most recently selected
states, and points from the first state that was selected to the second state.
If no states were selected, no transition is added. For the
Delete transition, only one state needs to have
been selected, and the transition is automatically drawn from that state to the
Delete state.
To add a
Copy or
Update transition to a state:
- From the
Workflow Palette, drag the
Copy or
Update transition onto the state.
- Type a name for the transition, and then press the Enter key.
Note: You can also double-click a
Copy or
Update transition in the
Workflow Palette to add the transition to the
workflow. The transition is added to the selected step. For these transitions,
only one state needs to have been selected.
Note: Transition buttons are automatically added to the top of forms.
Users click these buttons to execute transitons. You can replace the buttons
with button controls (buttons, hyperlinks, or images) that can be placed
anywhere on the form. For more information, see
Behavior Tab of the Control Property Editor.
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