Introduction → Key Terms
The following terms will help you better understand how to use SBM Composer. Terms are grouped by category.
Comprises one or more applications and orchestrations.
A collection of elements that coordinate the work of people, such a development team's work tasks or customer support calls. Applications typically contain workflows, fields, forms, and roles.
Coordinate Web service-enabled systems. Orchestrations contain workflows, which are an arrangement of control flow structures, Web services, and data elements.
Portions of a process app, such as an application workflow or a decision step.
A file that is created by SBM Composer and contains process app design elements, which include roles, scripts, icons, tables, workflows, and orchestrations. This file is deployable to any database.
Contains design elements and configuration data, such as projects, reports, and role assignments.
Sending design elements to the SBM Application Repository so they can be checked out by other designers.
Sending a process app defined in SBM Composer to a runtime environment. Depending on your privileges, you can deploy from SBM Composer or Application Repository.
Sending a process app to the Application Repository so it can be deployed or checked out by other users.
Sending a snapshot to a runtime environment. Promotions are done in Application Repository.
A collection of states, transitions, and fields that define your process.
Activate an item's movement from state to state in the workflow.
Positions that an item resides in while moving through the workflow process. States can also be considered a stopping point along a workflow's path.
The "view" and "update" pages in which users work with process items. You can use quick forms or create custom forms for states and transitions.
Enables conditional routing of items. For example, customer-reported requests may follow a different route through a workflow than those submitted by employees.
A collection of application-related privileges. Examples are the ability to read and update certain fields and the ability to transition items. After a process app is deployed, users are assigned to roles in SBM Application Administrator.
Immediately returns data to an application. Requires the application workflow to wait for a reply before it can continue.
Can run independently of the application that contains it. Does not require the application workflow to wait for a reply. Runs independently of the application workflow.
Enable the use of Web services for coordinating the interaction between an application workflow and one or more external systems.
Control flow structures that enable an orchestration workflow to make calculations, decide between two possible sets of instructions, handle exceptions, and so on.
Include data sent with the event, data expected by or returned by a Web service, and working data created for temporary use during the execution of an orchestration workflow.
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