Managing Projects → About Projects → Project Settings → States and Transitions Page
To view the properties for individual states, decisions, and transitions and override some properties, select an item in the list, and then click Details.
To learn more about the state and transition settings you can modify in projects, refer to Working With States and Transitions in Projects.
To learn more about the transition settings you can modify in workflows, refer to Restricting Transitions.
To edit a state, decision, or transition, select it in the list, and then click Details.
Click to refresh the page to its last saved state or to update the page after a deployment or promotion.
Click to open a graphical view of a workflow. When you are adding or editing a project, click this button to view the workflow assigned to the project.
Use to search for states, decisions, or transitions by name. Searches are case-insensitive.
The following information is available:
Indicates whether the item is a state (),
transition (
), or decision (
Indicates the display name.
Indicates a transition's originating state.
Indicates a transition's destination state.
Indicates whether a state or decision is deleted or whether a transition is enabled or disabled.
Indicates the workflow from which the item was inherited.
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