Working With Items → Using Work Item Forms
Forms enable you to view and update information for work items. "State" forms provide a view of work items; "transition" forms provide an editable view.
Forms are perhaps the most customizable aspect of SBM. Your administrator can tailor forms to show or hide various elements, for example. Your privileges can also impact the information you can see and update.
Along with viewing and updating information, you can perform these actions from individual work items:
When you view a work item, buttons are typically available at the top of the form. Your administrator may move them to a different location on the form, however, and the transitions available to you depend on your privileges and the work item's current state in your process.
To transition a work item, click the appropriate button, provide data on the form as needed, and then click OK.
Click the user's name on any form to send an e-mail message to that user.
You can add other SBM users by name or you can add e-mail addresses of recipients who do not use SBM.
You can use the Rich Text Editor to format content as needed. If you add images, attachments, or hyperlinks to your e-mail message, they added as attachments to the item from which you send the e-mail.
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