Working With Views, Feeds, and Reports → Working With Feeds
Feeds provide a way for you to quickly access information related to your day-to-day work. For example, the system My Activity feed shows all work items you own in the selected application. Or, you can create a Calendar feed that shows work items based on a due date.
Feeds are added to views, which can be opened from the navigation pane.
You can define feed criteria once and use the feed in views for multiple application contexts. For example, you can define an activity feed from Home or from your user profile. These feeds can apply to any application and project for a specific set of users. You can then add the same feed to views for multiple application groups to return work items based on the same feed criteria, but in different applications.
Two types of feeds are available:
Shows work items based on a set of feed criteria. For details, refer to Creating Activity Feeds.
Shows work items in a calendar format. For details, refer to Creating Calendar Feeds.
Feeds have two access levels:
Visible only to the user who created the feed.
Visible to users who have privileges to view guest-level reports. Only the author and administrators can modify public feeds.
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