Customizing Views

Use the Customize page to add, modify, and delete personal Dashboard, Activity, and Calendar views.

Views can have one of two access types:
  • System

    Three system views are available for Home and each application and application group: My Dashboard, My Activity, and My Calendar. Your administrator can determine the content for system views. You can add and remove your own content, but you cannot remove content set by your administrator. For details, refer to Managing System Views.

  • Personal

    Personal views are unique to each user. Depending on the view type, you can add feeds and widgets that meet your specific needs. You can add public and private feeds or widgets that display public and private reports or Web pages.

To customize a view:

  1. Select one of these:
    • To change your Home page view, click the Home icon.


    • To change an application view, click a pinned application icon on the toolbar.
  2. Click the Customize (image) icon in the navigation pane, and then:
    • To add a view, click Plus sign for the view type (Dashboard, Activities, or Calendar). Provide a title and description for the view.
    • To edit a view, select the view from the navigation pane.
    • To delete a personal view, click the Delete icon next to the view name.
  3. For Dashboard views, provide a name and description, then save your changes. Follow the instructions in Using Dashboard Views for guidance on adding and modifying widgets for the view.
  4. For Activity and Calendar views:
    • Click New to create a new feed for the view.
    • Click Select to add an existing feed to the view.
    Note: To learn about creating feeds, refer to Creating Activity Feeds and Creating Calendar Feeds.
  5. Save your changes.
  6. Click the Customize (image) icon again to return to view mode.