1. Incident Creation

Incident creation is known as submitting incidents in SSM. Two primary actors responsible for submitting incidents are users and IT Service Desk staff. Users can submit their incidents using SRC, Work Center, or e-mail.

Most users assigned to Incident Management roles can submit incidents on their own behalf or on the behalf of another user. This enables service desk staff to submit incidents on behalf of their customers, for example. To submit an incident on behalf of another user, search for and select that user from the Affected User field on the Submit form.

To disable the submit on behalf feature, refer to Disabling "Submit on Behalf".

Incidents can also be submitted automatically from another application using Web services. For example, if you have the SSM integration to Microsoft Operations Manager, incidents will be submitted automatically when certain issues arise.

At any point in process, you can submit tasks (which can be assigned to other individuals) for fulfillment. Once all tasks are completed, the incident is moved to the Tasks Completed state (just like the Service Request process).

To create a new incident:

  1. Click the +New icon located on the Work Center toolbar.
  2. Click the Browse tab.
  3. Search for or navigate to the project to submit into. The Incidents project is provided as a default.
  4. On the Submit form:
    • Choose the Urgency and Impact. Priority is calculated automatically as described in Modifying Urgency, Impact, and Priority, but the value can be overridden.
    • Enter a Title and Description.
    • Choose the Reported By user. If necessary, you can also select the Affected User and any other Additional Contacts.
  5. Click OK to create the new incident.

Submitting Incidents Using E-mail

You can configure SBM to accept new incidents through e-mail.

Information on configuring SBM to handle e-mail submissions is available in the SBM Application Administrator Guide.

Submitting Incidents from an Existing Incident

The Incident Management workflow has two methods for creating incidents from another incident. They are accessible from the Other drop-down list.
  • Copy Incident - Creates an identical copy of the existing incident.
  • Post New Incident - Opens the submit form with the fields populated based on the existing incident. The values can be edited in the new incident before you submit the item.