Promoting the SRC Snapshots

Perform the following steps to promote the SRC snapshots.

  1. Log in to SBM Application Repository using the following URL:
  2. Select the Snapshots tab.
  3. In the Sources drop-down list, select Service Request Center.
  4. Follow the steps below and promote the SRC snapshots in the order described in Promoting the Snapshots.
    1. Select the snapshot, and then click the Promote icon.
    2. On the Destination page, select the destination environment, and then click Next.
    3. On the Entities page, select which entities to import. It is recommended that you import all of them, but it is not mandatory.
      Important: Select the Merge conflicts option if you have already promoted the snapshot to the target environment and you want to preserve changes that you made to the existing application. For example, if you want to keep new user roles that you added to an application, select the Merge conflicts check box to preserve them in the target environment after the promotion. If Merge conflicts is not selected, the existing entities will be deleted in the target environment.
      The following tables describe which options must be selected for each snapshot and which are optional.
      Table 1. Entities
      Type Notes
      Projects Mandatory.
      Notifications Optional, but suggested. Not importing notifications means that no notifications will be available until you create them.
      Notification Rules Optional, but suggested. Not importing notification rules means that notifications will not be sent within the workflow until you add new notification rules.
      Reports Mandatory.
      Auxiliary Table Data Depends on the process app. See the following table for more information.
      Transition Groups Mandatory.
      Mailboxes Optional.
      User Field Selections Mandatory.
      Templates Mandatory.
      Table 2. Auxiliary Table Data
      Snapshot Notes
      SRC - Starter Pack Forms - IT No auxiliary data required.
      SRC - Service Request
      • SRC - Client Software: Not required.
      • SRC - Computer Models: Not required.
      • SRC - Computer Types: Not required.
      • SRC - Mobile Carriers: Not required.
      • SRC - Mobile Device Platforms: Not required.
      • SRC - Mobile Devices: Not required.
      • SRC - Operating Systems: Not required.
      SRC - Knowledge Management
      • KM Categories: Required.
      • KM Visibility Group: Required.

      Once you have finished making your selections, click Next.

    4. If no mappings are needed on the Mappings page, click Next.
    5. Review the information that appears on the Summary page, and make adjustments as needed. Click Promote to finish the operation.
    6. Click the refresh icon, and check the Last Promoted column to verify that the promotion succeeded.
      Tip: If you are following the required promotion order, the Last Promoted time for SRC - Starter Pack Forms - IT will be later than the Last Promoted time for SRC - Service Request once you promote SRC - Starter Pack Forms - IT a second time.
    7. Repeat this process for each snapshot in the solution.
  5. Access SRC using the following URL:


If you encounter problems with accessing SRC after you have completed these steps, reset IIS, and then try to access SRC again.

The SRC apps are now accessible and ready for implementation.