Serena® Prototype Composer™ Version 2009 R1
Readme File
Last updated on 28 January 2009

This file contains information about installing and using the current release of Serena® Prototype Composer™.

This document also describes requirements for integrating Prototype Composer with Serena® Dimensions® RM.

To get help with the product, visit

Table of Contents

1.0 Installation

1.1 Installation Requirements

1.2 Installing Serena Prototype Composer

2.0 Upgrading From a Previous Version of Prototype Composer Not Supported

3.0 What’s New in Prototype Composer 2009 R1?

4.0 Composer Integrations

4.1 Composer with Serena® Dimensions® RM Integration System Requirements

5.0 Known Issues

5.1 Document Image Writer Print Driver May Cause Exception Error

5.2 Web Services Execution May Fail

5.3 Dimensions® RM Integration Table Space Error

5.4 Web Capture Limitations for Certain Page Types

5.5 Flow Maps Don’t Scale Fully in Document Publishing

5.6 Downloaded Prototype Composer Installer Fails to Run When Unable to Download .NET Framework

5.7 Modifying Prototype Composer Priority Does Not Replace the Published Dimensions RM Requirement

5.8 Empty Values Are Not Updated in Dimensions RM Replaced Requirements

5.9 Synchronization between Prototype Composer and Dimensions RM Does Not Complete

5.10 Selecting a Requirement Using Shift Key Causes Prototype Composer to Crash

5.11 Renaming a Branch with a Null Value Causes Prototype Composer to Crash

5.12 New Background Color for a Button is not Displayed

5.13 Description Field in Prototype Composer Does Not Support HTML Formatted Text

5.14 Synchronization Does Not Update Links from Dimensions RM

6.0 Documentation Addendum

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1.0 Installation

1.1 Installation Requirements

The minimum system requirements are:

Client Systems - Minimum



Screen resolution

System Colors

Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Vista

256 MB


65,536 colors

The recommended system requirements are:

Client Systems - Recommended



Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP Professional, or Windows Vista

512 MB

1.2 Installing Serena Prototype Composer

This section explains how to install Serena Prototype Composer. You must perform the following installation procedures on all client machines where necessary.

You cannot open projects created in Prototype Composer 2009 R1 in versions prior to Prototype Composer 2.4.

To install Serena Prototype Composer:

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2.0 Upgrading From a Previous Version of Prototype Composer Not Supported

You cannot upgrade to Prototype Composer 2009 R1 from previous versions of Prototype Composer (2.1, 2.1.1, 2.2, 2.3, or 2.4). If a previous installation is found, the following warning message is displayed:

"Another version of this product is already installed. Installation of this version cannot continue. To configure or remove the existing version of this product, use Add/Remove Programs on the Control Panel."

Uninstall the previous version of Prototype Composer and then install Prototype Composer 2009 R1.

Projects and data created in Prototype Composer 2.4 will be supported in Prototype Composer 2009 R1.

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3.0 What’s New in Prototype Composer 2009 R1?

Prototype Composer 2009 R1 introduces improvements to the Prototype Composer with Dimensions® RM integration. Key features include:

The ability to integrate Prototype Composer with Microsoft VSTS and with Serena® Business Mashups has been removed.

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4.0 Prototype Composer Integrations

The requirements for the Prototype Composer with Dimensions® RM integration are outlined in this section.

4.1 Prototype Composer with Serena Dimensions RM Integration System Requirements

The system requirements for the Prototype Composer with Dimensions RM integration are as follows:

Dimensions RM Integration



Operating System


Dimensions® RM Server


Windows 2000 Server or Windows 2003 Server

- Serena Dimensions RM 10.1.1 and later

- Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS) 5.0 or 6.0
- Apache 2.0

Serena Prototype Composer Client


See Installation Requirements

Serena® Prototype Composer™ 2009 R1

4.1.1 Dimensions RM Version Requirements

The integration between Serena Prototype Composer and Serena Dimensions RM works only with Dimensions RM version 10.1.1 and later.

4.1.2 Browser Requirements

For Dimensions RM Browser support, go to

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5.0 Known Issues

5.1 Document Image Writer Print Driver May Cause Exception Error

DEF78077: If you have Microsoft Office Document Image Writer configured as your default printer driver, you may get an unhandled exception error message if you cancel out of the Save As dialog accessed from Print Preview.

5.2 Web Services Execution May Fail

DEF88820: While Prototype Composer can import and execute a wide variety of Web Services as part of an application prototype, some services, such as those containing recursive type definitions, may not execute successfully. Developers who help you populate the set of IT Services for use in application prototypes are advised to test those services for proper execution within Prototype Composer before making them available to you.

5.3 Dimensions® RM Integration Table Space Error

DEF88930: Dimensions® RM must be properly configured for Prototype Composer to successfully publish model items to it. In certain circumstances you may see an error message that indicates the publishing failed. In this case you need to ensure that the Tablespace setting for tables used to store Prototype Composer model items and requirements is sufficient to contain the items published. For example, Microsoft Word documents can be very large and will overflow the available space if it is not reconfigured. You should also ensure that the temporary directories that may be used by both the Dimensions® RM Web service and Dimensions® RM itself are writable by the Web service and Dimensions® RM processes.

5.4 Web Capture Limitations for Certain Page Types

DEF86108, DEF84168: While in most cases the Web Capture utility in Prototype Composer will import and convert simple Web pages with high fidelity, pages with dynamic content or complex HTML elements may result in less than optimal capture results. Examples include:

You are advised to perform test captures and adjust the capture controls to maximize the quality of imported Web content.

5.5 Flow Maps Don’t Scale Fully in Document Publishing

DEF88549: Images of process or activity flow maps included in published documents may not scale to the full extent possible depending upon the aspect ratio of the image. These images can be selected and scaled manually following the generation of the document.

5.6 Downloaded Prototype Composer Installer Fails to Run When Unable to Download .NET Framework

DEF98689: When downloaded the Prototype Composer installer checks the local machine to see if the required .NET Framework version 1.1 (or greater) is present. If it is not present, the Prototype Composer installer attempts to access the InstallShield Web site and download the redistributable .NET Framework program (dotnetfx.exe) to the local machine and install it. If the Prototype Composer installer fails to run, it might be due to an inability to download .NET Framework. Check that you have internet access to the InstallShield Web site. If this site is down or you are otherwise prevented from accessing it, download and install .NET Framework from the Microsoft web site. When .NET Framework is finished installing, run PrototypeComposer2009R1.exe located in the installer ZIP file.

5.7 Modifying Prototype Composer Priority Does Not Replace the Published Dimensions RM Requirement

DEF152287: When a user selects an empty value from any drop-down list (Priority, Requested By, Assigned To, Status) in the property window, the value is not updated in Dimensions RM.

5.8 Empty Values Are Not Updated in Dimensions RM Replaced Requirements

DEF152573: When a user provides an empty value in the description of a requirement, the empty value is not replaced in Dimensions RM.

5.9 Synchronization between Prototype Composer and Dimensions RM Does Not Complete

DEF153367: If a user provides the same prefix value to PUIDs in different classes in the Class Definition tool, the synchronization process does not complete.

5.10 Selecting Requirement Using Shift Key Causes Prototype Composer to Crash

DEF155249: A user holds down the Shift key, selects all requirements in Prototype Composer, clicks Synchronize, and then clicks Publish, without making any changes. The user then presses the Shift key and tries to select the first requirement. Prototype Composer crashes.

5.11 Renaming a Branch with No Value Causes Prototype Composer to Crash

DEF154082: If a user removes the name for a Branch from a Decision step, Prototype Composer crashes.

5.12 New Background Color for a Button is not Displayed

DEF152533: If a user changes the background color for a button, the new color is not displayed when the user runs a simulation.

5.13 Requirement Description Field in Prototype Composer Does Not Support HTML Formatted Text

The Requirement Description field in Prototype Composer does not support HTML formatted text, but Dimensions RM does support HTML formatted text. Therefore, when a user overwrites a description field from Dimensions RM that is HTML formatted, Prototype Composer removes the HTML formatting and stores the description as plain text.

5.14 Synchronization Does Not Update Links from Dimensions RM

In the following scenario, the Synchronize function does not update links from Dimensions RM:

    1. In Dimensions RM, create a Business Requirement (BRx) and a User Requirement (URy).
    2. In Dimensions RM, link BRx and URy.
    3. In Prototype Composer, import BRx.
    4. In Prototype Composer, import URy.
    5. In Prototype Composer, the Synchronize function does not update the links from Dimensions RM to Prototype Composer.

Perform the following steps as a workaround to this issue:

    1. Clear the checkbox for the RM integration on the Project Integrations tab.
    2. Delete the parent requirements (BRx) and child requirements (URy) in Prototype Composer.
    3. Select the check box for the RM integration on the Project Integrations tab.
    4. Import child requirements (URy) and then import parent requirements (BRx) in Prototype Composer.

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6.0 Documentation Addendum

See Synchronizing Published Requirements for the new features of Serena Prototype Composer.

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End Readme
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