Serena Mainframe Connector

Serena Mainframe Connector is a flexible set of services and programs that can be used from Windows or UNIX/Linux platforms to deploy to the mainframe through Serena ChangeMan ZMF. Serena Mainframe Connector is sold as a separate option to Release Manager and is used in conjunction with ChangeMan ZMF, Deployment Automation, and SBM process apps.

Built-in integrations with Mainframe Connector are provided with Serena Release Manager and Serena Deployment Automation, and templates are provided for customized integrations with SBM.

The Serena Mainframe Connector Guide gives an overview of the built-in integration with Serena Release Manager and Deployment Automation, and tells how to configure the mainframe portion of Mainframe Connector. Other documentation references are included to help you find the information you need for your specific implementation.