Overview → About Release Control → Navigating Release Control
All users of Release Control should become familiar with the basic navigation in SBM Work Center, such as submitting, viewing, and transitioning items.
After you have pinned the Release Control application group in Work Center, you will see sections for most of the applications included in the group listed in the left navigation, such as Release Packages and Release Trains. You will also see various activity views, such as My Release Packages and All Release Packages.
Your use of Release Control depends on your role in the release processes. If your implementation is very different than the default implementation, you should use the built-in end user help and any documentation generated for you by your implementation team to learn how to use your solution. If you are using the default implementation or just want to see how an example implementation would be used, continue with the documentation given in this help system.
You view and work with requests, deployment units, deployment tasks, and other integration entities or executions using collection widgets that are embedded in SBM forms. For information on using the widgets, see the topics for the corresponding entities.
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