Adding Failure Tasks

If you want to have environments re-initialized to their original state or otherwise reconfigured in the case of a deployment or testing failure, you can configure failure tasks to be executed in those environments. You should typically add failure tasks as you are adding deployment tasks, to plan for the failure path.

  • If the Require Failure Tasks option is set to Yes in the release package or deployable release train:
    • Upon failed deployment or failed testing, the failure path is followed in the workflow.
    • You cannot skip the failure workflow.
    • If failure tasks have not yet been added, you are prompted to create them.
  • If the Require Failure Tasks option is set to No in the release package or deployable release train:
    • If there is at least one failure task in the hierarchy, the failure path is followed in the workflow.
  • If the Execute Child Failure Tasks option is set to Yes in a parent release package or linked deployable release train:
    • Upon failed deployment or failed testing the failure path is followed in the workflow of the children or linked packages.
    • If failure tasks have not yet been added to the children or linked packages, you are prompted to create them.
      Note: This option is captured upon linking a package to a parent package or deployable release train. If the option is set to Yes after linkage, the child failure task is not enforced upon failed deployment.

To add failure tasks:

  1. In a release package or deployable release train, select the Deployment Tasks tab, and then click Edit Deployment Tasks.
    Tip: For the Edit Deployment Tasks button to appear, you must be logged in as the Release Manager. You may also need to resize the window to a larger size.
  2. Select Failure Tasks in the selection box.
  3. Click +, and then select the plugin configuration that you want to use for this task.
  4. Give the task a title and description.
  5. Fill out the required fields and any optional fields and then click Save.

    For detailed field descriptions, see the documentation for your plugin.

Related Topics

Executing Failure Tasks

Adding Deployment Tasks

Creating Release Packages

Creating Deployable Release Trains