Promoting the Snapshots

Promote the process app snapshots, following the instructions carefully, especially for the Release Package snapshot. For the best results, read through the following sections before beginning the promotion.

When you are ready to promote a snapshot, perform the steps below for each of the snapshots.

  1. Log in to SBM Application Repository using the following URL:
  2. In the left navigation pane, select Snapshots.
  3. In the Sources selection box, select Serena Release Control to filter the list. You'll see the following snapshots:
    • RLC - Approvals
    • RLC - Environment
    • RLC - Manual Deployment Task (optional)
    • RLC - Release Data
    • RLC - Release Train
    • RLC - Release Package
    • RLC - Sample Request (optional)
    • RLC - Task Templates
  4. In the given order, select a snapshot and in its Actions column, click the Promote icon. The Promote Snapshot wizard is displayed.
    Important: Release Train must be promoted before Release Package. Otherwise, the Release Package promotion may fail.
  5. In the Destination step, select the environment to which to promote. Click Next.
  6. In the Entities step, choose which entities to import. It is recommended that you import all of them for each snapshot.

    Important: Select the Merge conflicts option if you have already promoted the snapshot to the target environment and you want to preserve changes that you made to the existing application. For example, if you want to keep new user roles that you added to an application, select the Merge conflicts check box to preserve them in the target environment after the promotion. If Merge conflicts is not selected, the existing entities will be deleted in the target environment.

    Click Next.

  7. In the Mappings step, notice that the current endpoint mappings point to the IP address of the server onto which you are installing.

    Click Next.

  8. In the Summary step, review your selections and then click Promote to finish the operation.
  9. Repeat starting with step 4 for each of the snapshots that you want to use.
    Tip: If you aren't sure whether you will use the optional snapshots, promote them and if you decide you don't want to use them later, you can delete them or hide them by removing privileges. If you want to configure the end-to-end solution for proof of concept or evaluation, promote them.
  10. After you have promoted each of the snapshots, continue with the following instructions.

Generating the Deployment Information Table Views

As part of the deployment path implementation, Release Control uses SBM solution views to collect and display deployment information for each environment in the path. This solution views cannot be created until after the Release Package snapshot has been promoted. After you have promoted the Release Package process app, use the following procedure to generate the solution views.

To generate the deployment information solution views:

  1. In SBM Application Repository, view the Activities page to ensure the Release Package promotion has successfully completed.
  2. Prepare the views for the deployment information tables as follows:
    1. Open a command prompt.
    2. Navigate to the following SBM folder:

      \Application Engine\bin

      For example, here are the commands to navigate to the default location:


      cd Program Files\Serena\SBM\Application Engine\bin

    3. Execute the following command:

      ttadmin.exe /GenerateViews

  3. Promote the Release Package snapshot again.

    The solution views now appear in the Release Package process app as the following tables:

    • RLC Deployment Log
    • RLC DU Execution Log
  4. Verify that the last Release Package snapshot promotion finished with no errors or unexpected warnings by viewing the promotion in the Activities page. For example, an error similar to the following may appear:

    WARN -- UNEXPECTED WARNING: Invalid Table, 1ce2af10-190f-11e5-b939-0800200c9a66, specified for Report "RLC Deployment Log for Release Package", e9818ab0-35ca-4d67-a58a-93058b8979ec Context: Object type 'Report', name 'RLC Deployment Log for Release Package', UUID 'e9818ab0-35ca-4d67-a58a-93058b8979ec'

    If an error occurred, see Troubleshooting.

Important: Continue to Post-Installation Tasks. The installation is not yet complete at this point.