Configuring Nolio REST Notifications

In addition to installing, adding, and configuring the Nolio plugin, you must configure Release Control to receive notifications about task executions from Nolio for Run Process deployment tasks.

To do this, update the REST integration properties file as follows:

  1. Navigate to the <Nolio installation directory>\CA\ReleaseAutomationServer\conf directory.

  2. If the text file does not exist, create it.

  3. In the file, specify the target URL for the Release Control Nolio notification URl as follows, where RLCServer is the Release Control server host name or IP address:

    target.url=http://<RLCServer>:8085/rlc/rest/deploy/autoprocess/notification/NOLIO/<Configuration UUID>

    The UUID is found in the plugin configuration in the Release Control Providers administrator page. See the Configuration UUID property in CA Nolio Plugin Configuration Details.

  4. Restart the Nolio services.