Fields for ServiceNow

If you are using the ServiceNow plugin for requests, following are the custom column fields specific to this provider. For information on configuring them, see Custom Columns.

Internal Names Display Names
assigned_to, number, sys_created_by, sys_created_on, sys_updated_by, sys_updated_on Assigned To, Number, Created By, Created On, Updated By, Updated On


Following are the aliases that can be used for similar fields when you are using multiple plugins for requests. If you are using only ServiceNow for requests, you do not need to use these.

ServiceNow Plugin Field Names Alias Field Names
Assigned To / assigned_to Owner / owner
Created By / sys_created_by Created By / createdby
Created On / sys_created_on Created On / createdOn
Updated By / sys_updated_by Updated By / updatedBy
Updated On / sys_updated_on Updated On / updatedOn