Fields for SBM

If you are using the SBM plugin for requests, following are the custom column fields specific to this provider. For information on configuring them, see Custom Columns.

Note: The internal and display names must be separated by commas. A space after each comma is okay. You can copy and paste directly from the following tables for ease in entering the names.
Internal Names Display Names
createdBy, createdDate, modifiedBy, modifiedDate, owner, state, project, activeinactive Created By, Create Date, Modified By, Modified Date, Owner, State, Project, Active/Inactive

The SBM provider supports using any SBM process app database field name as an internal name for custom column fields.

See Using Extended Fields to Select and Format Data.


Following are the aliases that can be used for similar fields when you are using multiple plugins for requests. If you are using only SBM for requests, you do not need to use these.

SBM Plugin Field Names Alias Field Names
Owner / owner Owner / owner
Active/Inactive / activeinactive Type / type
Create Date / createdDate Created On / createdOn
Modified Date / modifiedDate Updated On / updatedOn
Modified By / modifiedBy Updated By / updatedBy