Configuring the Widget Views

The Change ZMF package Views widget contains two widgets, the ZMF Change package list and ZMF Change package View Widget. The ZMF Change package list gives a list of Change packages that are linked as deployment units to the release package. The ZMF Change package View displays one of the specified views for that change package such as General Information or User Info.

To configure the widget views:

  1. Add the ZMF Change package list to your form. Specify the required Task Collection ID parameter and the optional parameters to add a new Label, Help Text or Filter. The provider Name Filter limits the deployment units displayed in the drop-down list to only providers with the matching text in their name.

    Here is an example:

    ZMF Change Package List Sample Parameters

    Task Collection Id (required) {Task Collection Id}
    View Label ZMF Change package
    popup Help Text ZMF Change package
    provider Name Filter ZMF
  2. Add as many views to the selected change package as desired. You can add this to different tabs or directly under each other. Drag the ZMF Change package View for each desired view, and then configure the parameters to set the view and the package value to use.

    Here is an example which gets the package value from the zmfpackagelistWidget:

    ZMF Change Package View Sample Parameters

    View Type (required) General Info
    Other View Type
    ZMF package Value (required)


    No package selected label No change package selected.
    Error Message No change package information exists.

    Widget Contents

    • Custom Widget:
      • ZmfpackageViewWidget: Shows package Details for a ZMF package
        • Task Collection ID (required)
        • View Label
        • popup Help Text
        • provider Filter Name
      • ZMF Change package View: Shows Change package Details for a ZMF package
        • View Type (required)
        • Other View Type
        • ZMF package Value (required)
        • No package selected label
        • Error Message
    • Form Action Conditions:
      • HasZMFpackage: Checks to verify that a package has been chosen in the ZMF drop-down list.
    • Form Action Actions:
      • Load ZMF package View: Loads the package View based on the ZMF package value.