Serena Release Control: SBM Plugin Quick Reference


Configuring the Provider Plugins

Release Control communicates with integrating products through provider plugins. In Release Control, you can focus on selecting and sequencing the deployment tasks that you need, and the provider plugin takes care of the integration details.

Documentation References

For information on creating your own plugins, refer to the Serena Release Control SDK Reference.

For information on selecting plugins while using Release Control, refer to the Serena Release Control Getting Started Guide or online Help.

Adding Provider Plugins

After applying the configuration, you can access the Release Control Providers administrator page from SBM Configurator to add and configure plugins. The default plugins are already added for you.

You will need to add a default plugin only if the plugin has somehow been removed from your system or if you are adding a new version of the plugin. If you write your own plugins, you need to add them using this procedure.

If you have already added your plugins or want to use the default versions of the plugins installed with Release Control, continue to Adding Plugin Configurations.

Installing the Plugin

Before you can add a new plugin, you must ensure it is installed. If the version of the plugin you want to use is already installed, continue with Adding the Plugin.

If it has not yet been installed, install it as follows:

  1. If installing a new version of a default plugin, download and extract the plugin jar files that you want to install.

    Default plugin version jar file names are as follows:

    rlc-client-sbm- and rlc-provider-sbm-


    rlc-client-dim- and rlc-provider-dim-

    rlc-client-zmf- and rlc-provider-zmf-

  2. Copy the plugin jar files to the following location:


  3. Restart JBoss.

Adding the Plugin

To add a plugin to Release Control:

  1. In your Web browser, enter the URL for the Release Control Providers administrator page. For example:


    Tip: The link for your installation is in SBM Configurator. Just select the Release Control tab and click the link.
  2. At the top of the page, click the Add Plugin link.
  3. Enter the required fields for the plugin. These include:
    • Name
    • Description
    • XML Context File: This references the XML file included in the plugin, and the name in this field must exactly match the referenced file name.

    See the following table for information to enter for each of the default plugins, should you need to add any of these to your system.

    Name Description XML Context File
    SBM Provider Serena Business Manager RLC provider implements execution and request provider types. serena-provider-sbm-1_0.xml
    SDA Component Version Provider Serena Deployment Automation RLC provider implements execution and deployment unit provider types for SDA Component Versions. serena-provider-sdacomponentvers-1_0.xml
    SDA Snapshot Provider Serena Deployment Automation RLC provider implements execution and deployment unit provider types for SDA Snapshots. serena-provider-sdasnapshot-1_0.xml
    Dimensions CM Provider Serena Dimensions CM RLC provider implements execution, deployment unit and request provider types for Dimensions CM integration. serena-provider-dim-1_0.xml
    ChangeMan ZMF Provider Serena ChangeMan ZMF RLC provider implements execution and deployment unit provider types for ChangeMan ZMF integration. serena-provider-zmf-1_0.xml
  4. Click Add Plugin.

Adding Plugin Configurations

Before you can use a plugin, you must add a configuration for it. At minimum, you must configure your specific connection information for the default configuration. Each of the plugin configurations in the default implementation have example values, but you'll need to configure these according to your own implementation.

Important: The following procedure can be performed only by users with Managed Administrator privileges.

To update or add a plugin configuration:

  1. In your Web browser, enter the URL for the Release Control Providers administrator page. For example:


    Tip: The link for your installation is in SBM Configurator. Just select the Release Control tab and click the link.
  2. Use one of the following configuration options:
    • If you are updating an existing configuration, beside the configuration, click Update.
    • If you are duplicating an existing configuration, beside the configuration, click Clone.
    • If you are adding a configuration, at the top of the page, click the Add Configuration link.
  3. In the Plugin field, select the name of the plugin. For example: SBM Provider
  4. Fill out the fields presented in the user interface.

SBM Provider Plugin Configuration Details

The default SBM Provider plugin provides functionality for SBM requests and executions, where the requests that are associated and deployment tasks that are submitted or transitioned are items in SBM projects.

The provider types are used as follows:

  • The SBM Request Provider type is used with the Request Collection widget and it allows you to link requests to your SBM item. By default, Release Packages include the request widget on the Requests tab.
  • The SBM Execution Provider type is used when creating execution tasks. You can choose whether to create a new SBM item or to transition an existing SBM item.

After adding a plugin, you can add configurations for the plugin. Multiple configurations can be added. Here are some examples on why you would use different configurations:

  • Configurations to Point to Different SBM Systems: If you have multiple, separate SBM installations, you may add SBM Provider plugin configurations to point at each of these servers.
  • Configurations to Point to Different SBM Projects: You may want to add multiple SBM configurations, and then have each one point at different SBM projects. This would tailor the results when relating SBM requests using the request widget.

The fields for an example SBM Provider plugin configuration are described in the following table.

Field / Description Example Values

Name: Name of the provider configuration. Be as descriptive as possible, as this distinguishes the configuration from other configurations when users are selecting it.

Release Control Sample Applications

Description: Description of the item, which will appear as a tooltip

Release Control Sample Applications Configuration - Requires Manual Deployment Tasks and Sample Request process Apps

SBM Web Services: URL for the SBM application web services


Use Single Sign-On (SSO): Enable single sign-on to allow the provider service to log in to the SBM system using the authentication token of the user. Note that if you are logging into a separate SBM system that doesn't share the same SSO server, you will receive the following message "An error occurred while getting collection details" when trying to find an item on the other system.


User Name: If single sign-on is not enabled for this server, use this user name to log in to this system.

Password: If single sign-on is not enabled for this server, use this password to log in to this system.
Open in workcenter true
Execution Properties

Provider Name: A descriptive name of the execution provider

RLC - Manual Deployment Task

Provider Description: A more detailed description of the provider. This information appears as a tooltip.

Release Control Manual Deployment Task Process App

SBM Table (DBNAME): The database table name of the SBM table that you want to submit or transition execution items


Extended Fields: A comma-separated list of fields to populate with data when submitting or transitioning items. The values are the database names for the fields. (See the related note below the table.)


queryWhereClause: A SQL query where clause that is used to search fields to return the list of possible requests to relate. Refer to the SBM documentation about the GetItemsByQuery call for more information on the queryWhereClause.


orderByClause: A SQL statement to order the results of the query. Use this statement to place newest items first in the list or to divide them up based on projects. Refer to the SBM documentation about the GetItemsByQuery call for more information on the orderByClause.


Transitions: A comma-separated list of transitions that will be available if you choose the "Transition Item" action

Wait for Callback: Whether to wait for the system to respond with results
Important: If you are integrating with an external SBM system and set this to true, refer to Configuring for Callback from External Systems.
Request Properties

Provider Name: A descriptive name of the request provider

RLC - Sample Request

Provider Description: A more detailed description of the provider. This information appears as a tooltip.

Release Control Sample Request Process App

SBM Table (DBNAME): The database table name of the SBM table that you want to search for requests to relate


Extended Fields: A comma-separated list of fields to populate with data when submitting or transitioning items. The values are the database names for the fields. These fields will appear when the user chooses to view the items from the report. (See the related note below the table.)


queryWhereClause: A SQL query where clause that is used to search fields to return the list of possible requests to relate. Refer to the SBM documentation about the GetItemsByQuery call for more information on the queryWhereClause.


orderByClause: A SQL statement to order the results of the query. Use to the statement to place newest items first in the list or to divide them up based on projects. Refer to the SBM documentation about the GetItemsByQuery call for more information on the orderByClause.

Provider Types

Execution: Provides functionality for executing deployment tasks


Deployment Unit: Provides functionality for linking deployment units

Not Supported

Request: Provides functionality for associating requests

Note: Extended Fields are supported with the following formats and types.

Date/Time field format:


Extended Fields configuration format:


Extended Fields multi-values format:


Supported types:

TEXT (Text) 					   
USER (User) 					  
MULTI_USER (Multi-User) 
DATETIME (Date/Time) 
SINGLE_SELECTION (Single Selection) 
MULTI_SELECTION (Multi-Selection) 
SINGLE_RELATIONAL (Single Relational) 
MULTI_RELATIONAL (Multi-Relational) 
NUMERIC (Numeric) 

Configuring for Callback from External Systems

If you configure your plugin to wait for callback from an external SBM system, you must complete these additional configuration steps; otherwise, the callback will fail with errors.

Perform the following in SBM Configurator for each system as indicated:

  1. On the external system of SBM that has the Manual Deployment Task process app, in the Component Servers tab, point it to the SSO server that belongs to the Release Control installation of SBM.
  2. On the Release Control installation of SBM, on the Authentication tab, select Single Sign-On (SSO) to manage user sessions.
  3. On the Release Control installation of SBM, on the Security tab open the Secure SBM sub-tab and click Export All.
  4. On the external SBM system, go to the SSO server and on the Secure SBM sub-tab, import the certificates you just exported.
  5. On the external SBM system, in SBM Application Repository, configure the RLCTaskExecutionEndpoint endpoint to point to the Release Control installation, then re-promote the Manual Deployment Task process app.

Associating SBM Items with Requests

After the SBM Request Provider configuration has been added or updated as needed, users, such as Release Managers, can associate SBM items, as requests, with release packages.

The fields that are displayed when searching for requests from the Request Collection Widget are described in the following table.

Field Description Example Values
Project The specific project that contains the SBM items for associating Sample Requests
Search Terms Optional search term for filtering SBM items; filters based on the assumption that the term is within Title or Description "Sample1"

Creating SBM Items Through Deployment Tasks

After the SBM Request Provider configuration has been added or updated as needed, users, such as Release Engineers, can create deployment tasks and select from actions to either create or transition SBM items.

The fields that are displayed when configuring a deployment task to create SBM items from the Task Collection Widget are described in the following table.

Field Description Example Values
Project The specific project where the new SBM item should be created Manual Deployment Tasks
Submit Transition Submit transition into the project Submit
Retry Transition Transition attempted by SBM item when Release Package deployment is retried Retry (note: comes from "Execution - Transitions" list)
Cancel Transition Transition attempted by SBM item when Release Package deployment is cancelled Cancel (note: comes from "Execution - Transitions" list)
Extended Fields Choose to set extended fields for environments. When enabled, the fields specified in "Execution - Extended Fields" list will appear below each environment. Extended fields

Transitioning SBM Items Through Deployment Tasks

After the SBM Request Provider configuration has been added or updated as needed, users, such as Release Engineers, can create deployment tasks and select from actions to either create or transition SBM items.

When the transition action is selected, Release Control will attempt to transition an existing SBM item from the table whose information is specified in the SBM plugin execution provider configuration field Execution - SBM Table (DBNAME). Any projects for the table will be shown in the Project list.

The fields that are displayed when configuring a deployment task to transition SBM items from the Task Collection Widget are described in the following table.

Field Description Example Values
Project The specific project where the existing SBM item to be transitioned is located Manual Deployment Tasks
Search Terms Optional search term for filtering the SBM items. Filters based on term being within Item ID or Title. "002345" or "Task1"
SBM Item List of possible SBM items that can be transitioned. Optionally filtered by "Search Terms" Complete (note: comes from "Execution - Transitions" list)
Action Transition Choose which transition should occur for the SBM Item Cancel (note: comes from "Execution - Transitions" list)
Retry Transition Transition attempted by SBM item when Release Package deployment is retried Retry (note: comes from "Execution - Transitions" list)
Cancel Transition Transition attempted by SBM item when Release Package deployment is cancelled Cancel (note: comes from "Execution - Transitions" list)
Extended Fields Choose to set extended fields for environments. When enabled, the fields specified in "Execution - Extended Fields" list will appear below each environment. Extended fields